Tell me everything about LSD.


Well-Known Member
LSD's pretty great IMO, but you can't fuckin' trip nuts all the damn time. If you don't have a stable mind to begin with you shouldn't be trippin' at all really. It's ridiculously fun, and I think it could be used to help make a lot of people into what they should really be.


Well-Known Member
You have to do it with good friends.
It's real fun to play with bannanas while on it too. Funny looking yellow fruit tracers.


Well-Known Member
I had my first trips this year at nimbin mardi grass. It was great. It was a 25 dollar hit (not expensive for australia, its hard to get good stuff) I only had one blotta but i had several intense visuals including smurfs jumping around my bong lol. Since then i have had several hits. I recommend it. Peace BBE


Active Member
A Scanner Darkly, while seeming to be about bad trips, is in fact about meth. I think it's important to know that acid trips CAN BE HORRIBLE and AMAZING in the same trip. Don't get too caught up, go with the was mentioned earlier. You can have amazing transformations of character and insights into the world... and scary ones. It is an amazing experience, however keep in mind, it is an experience and everything you learned may have real value for application in your life, or maybe not. This drug can grant you a vision of heaven, of incredible transcendant experiences where the entire universe is one, and you are one with that. Be careful, and get ready to trip HARD!


Well-Known Member
Ok You want an Acid Story?

The names used in this "story" are false

So I was at Lisa's place when I first dropped Acid and we smoked a bowl and I felt so great like there was no better feeling and I couldn't stop laughing. Lisa went to the bathroom and when she came out I was like It's only been an hour!? I still have a whole trip ahead of me!!! So I called my mom because she was on her way home from work and I got a ride down to my house so I could pick up my stash of marijuana and my vapo along with some food. As we drove down the hill the street lights were shining through the window and made me feel so great as I laughed with my mom about something silly. Eventually we were in the superstore parking lot where she went in to grab something I was listening to Zeppelin and everything was so cheery and beautiful in the dark and it seemed soooo perfect. Then Motorhead came on and the Spinners sign turned into the gates of hell as I watched so much die around me. My mom came back and dropped me off at Lisa's where I told her when I was in the car I almost dropped some more acid but she came to soon. Then we were watching spongebob square pants....FUCKING NUTS! Then Beavis and Butt Head when Beavis had his mushroom trip it consumed my who life and Dragons were flying around and my head nearly was torn off then Lisa was like NORMAN!!! And it snapped me out of it and I realized what happened. When I was freakin out I realized that you can trip by just imagining the craziest things and Acid just helps you realize that. When I did it the Walls turned into a canvas and my mind was the paint brush anything I wanted was there. Then we watched Bill and Teds which I didn't at all like because there was the devil in it and he was lurking at me so I had to leave the safety of the living room. The living room originally had one of those bright grow lights on (cfl's) then we turned on a normal light and turned off the cfl. The walls turned a yellow warmth and I felt like I was safe inside the yellow warmth. But in the kitchen where the light was white was the jungle where the truly fucked up would happen. Eventually I had to face my fears and venture out into the Kitchen which wasnt as bad as I thought. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror...BAD IDEA the walls in the mirror shot back and my eyes started to liquefy thats when I said OH FUCK and tore myself away before the mirror sucked my mind into it and I would have been shipped off into a new land. I ended up on the kitchen floor in the jungle if you will drawing some crazy pictures. I then realized the key to life is to imagine and watch. Next time your baked sitting in your room close your eyes and think of really crazy hallucinations and project yourself to that area. Thats what helped me realize what Acid really does. Acid gave birth to a new Lizard King I feel more positive about life and that nothing can take me down. I am in the best mood I have ever been in and all I have to do is sleep and relax for the rest of the day which is really going to be nice. I also realized that life is just in a box where were really just the trash can of some other civilization where in so many years we are going to end up in the dump (the grave yard) Just like how our trash ends up at the dump its like were throwing an entire civilization of humans away. When your life ends your world is being thrown out.

Heres what I drew some of the little scribbles felt like I was making new paths with my mind. You basically just lose sight from your eyes and your mind takes you for an epic journey|

I feel great and my seeds have just started to open up and its almost time to plant my babies fuck life is just to good

And heres the video I saw that truly caused me to trip out

YouTube - Beavis and Butthead on a Acid Trip Hallucillogen Cactus

And that was my trip I wrote up and posted in a diff thread the day after oh and heres a picture that I drew while flyin high



Well-Known Member
Oh and Acid in the day to my experience is a nightmare everything is WAY to shiny. It's like your taking a squeegee and taking off all the gunk from your eyes. After the shit has been scraped away you'll see the sky 100 times bluer and the ground 100 times more defined. When I was trying to walk home there was a slight breeze which was pushing against me so hard I thought I'd never make it home. However I just kept reassuring myself that it was nothing and I was just fucked up on Acid. It still made me tired and hard to move though lol. I say if your going to do Acid in the day do it when you got an hour of light till the sun goes down that way if you don't like it in the day time you don't have to wait that long, AND Acid at night is soooo fun because of the street lights and car lights. They look fucking amazing I did mushrooms the other night and saw some headlights from the window and was trapped by their beauty.


New Member
Yes. This person knows what they are talking about.

There are all types of acid. Some of it can be quite the trip and others a nightmare. Some are made with good quality ingredients and some are made cheaply and will give you gut rot like you wouldn't believe.:?

Its been so long since I have done any but I have to agree 100% that if you are in a depressed state of mind or have a depressive disorder be very careful with this drug.

I can remember one year going away for Christmas. It was the first year I had been away from home and I did acid and went with a bunch of friends to a cottage up north. Well it was quite the freakytrip let me tell you.

The weekend was a nightmare to me. I didn't eat or sleep for days and was completely spooked. The people I was with were a lot older than me and were into all kinds of other drugs that i just did not want to do. I hated that trip and will always remember it:twisted:

BUT I have also done purple microdot and that was amazing. I had such a good time. We all took a trip up north and decided to walk underneath the brdge of a trail track tressel. :shock:

We were nuts!!!!:clap: I suppose I still am.

Hey. Maybe thats what happened to me.:roll: It could be a good debate;)

if you are just buying some hits for a few trips, it is normally $5- $10 dollars a hit.
the best place to find good clean Acid, would be at a music festival.( a place where hippies go).
its hard to describe an lsd trip. i would only eat acid if you have a strong mind. if you have any depression problems or anything that would effect your perspective i would not eat acid; untill you are very clear headed.
i think you need to be a rather mature person to be able to handle acid. acid is no joke... if you eat real LSD or even LSA chances are that you will trip hard.
a hit of acid can always very in strength. awhile back i ate 3 hits that didnt make me trip much at all. another time i ate 3 hits that made me trip sooo hard. and another time i ate only 1 hit, and i tripped harder than i did on the last 3.
acid comes in a few forms. most often you will find acid on small squares of paper, called blotter paper. sometimes it is plain white paper, and sometimes it is on colorful designed paper.
the other common form of acid comes in Gel Tabs. gel tabs are the same size as the paper squares, but it is made out of a gelly/hard material. the gel tab is prickt with a needle, and lsd is injected. (its more of a drop though).

it is kinda hard to explain an acid trip. not that you cant remember, its just hard to put into words what you see.
alot of times, the visuals are made up of geometric patterns and shapes.
you really only see patterns and stuff when you close your eyes. when your eyes are open you could see like a tree dancing or .......i give up, i cant explain what i have seen.
soooooo good luck with the acid, hope my info helps/ peace


Well-Known Member
lsd can be cool, in my opinion its kinda scary and last a long time 8-12 hrs
when its cool its real cool but if you go to a bad place in your head it can be scary !
i suggest doing it with some people you 100% trust that have experience.
anybody can have a bad trip or a good trip, good carma or bad dont mater. some people will try to say if your happy it will be good and if your not your trip will reflect on that, but i dont think thats entirely true. just have fun and try to remember, ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD !
such along long time to be gone and a short time to be there


Well-Known Member
and another thing. stay away from public places, i made the mistake of going to a mall one time fryin my nuts off and let me tell you i will never do that again! biggest mistake ever haha, it was wayyy too bright and all the people were freaking me out haha but i had a good trip another time when my sober friend was driving and we took a road trip to pick up his girl, like 3 hours away. everything outside of the car looked like a painting, it was pretty cool


New Member
Gosh from reading other people's acid experiences I suppose even 'normal 'people freak out on acid.


Active Member
people hear crap like marijuana is addicting on tv and they believe it,read up on stuff before you make assumptions then shut up and try it once, then if you didnt like it then you can say something

1 timer

Active Member
can be dangerous, to both mental and physical health ( especially if old, or cut with garbage). Fisrt time should be with experienced, genuine, intelligent friends. ( Not the kind that may lead you into stupidity) But if in correct setting, without abuse, can be quite enlightening. But be prepared to see things as never before. (Again, physically, and mentally) Should be in no rush, or have things to do for a day or two after a good one, you will fell like mush when done. Rumor has it that Oj after kicks it back around the system, but I think that's been disproved since. Try to have a calming thought before doing any, you will get revved. Would not recommend for those above 25? and with a job that requires any kind awareness, just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhh, go ole sidney. Where have all the chefs (a.k.a chemists) gone??? Of the things that I loved to do most while I was trippin my face off :mrgreen:....

* Going to a nearby park with lots of big trees at night when the moon is full. Lunar eclipses are extra special...
* Going to the beach at night, need I say more!!!! :twisted:
* Any kind of fireworks event where lots of colorful gets blown up in the sky!!!!
* Lazer lights shows are always a plus...
* One of my personal favorites was riding my bicycle during christmas time through neighborhoods that were heavily lit with festive colorful lights...
* Playing my bass guitar along with my old drummer at my old rehearsal space from midnight to sunrise. Both of us dosed and completely improvising without speaking, only conversing through our instruments :mrgreen:.....
* And of course going to incredibly trippy concerts with sick ass light shows :twisted:....
* Doing all of the above while on some good mdma (a.k.a trolling)
* Oh yeah, and my favorite thing of all is actually finding good clean and pure LSD-25!!! A rare thing of beauty indeed :blsmoke:.....


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, prices and availability.... Good question. In the 20 years that I've been experimenting with it the average price for me has always been about $5.00 a hit. Sheets or pages(100 hits) as some folks would call it, range anywhere from $85.00 to $250.00. Unfortunately, I cannot find it anywhere except for the occasional concert. The last time I found it was at the Widespread Panic shows this past NYE in Atlanta, GA. I can only hope that there is another resurgence in it's popularity so that it becomes as readily available as it was in the late '80s early '90s.

Come on people, put the pressure on your Organic Chemistry Majors to start cooking :mrgreen:!!!!!