Teenage Boy Finds Finger in Arby’s Sandwich


Well-Known Member

"Reportedly, a restaurant employee cut off her finger with a meat slicer while preparing the meal. She left her station to deal with the emergency, and other employees, who were unaware of the injury, continued to complete the order. "Somebody loses a finger and you keep sending food out the window," said the teen's mom, Jamie Vail. "I can't believe that." She added that following the gruesome discovery, her son was "traumatized," couldn't eat or sleep, and had been prescribed medication Fox News reports."

"It's Good Mood Food"

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Holy Fucking Shit....

That is fucking crazy...

I probably would have seen it and thought that it was food made to look like a finger and take a bite... lolz

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
A cockroach in a hash brown at McDonald's and now a fucking finger at arby's all in one day. Reminds me of the old finger in Wendy's chili a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
My only question is: Was it a nice filet'o'finger or did the minimum wage idiot carve his whole finger off?


Well-Known Member
I would have walked away too lol. I cut my finger off. The tip of my first finger. I was in the passenger seat of the car, opening a toy for my daughter, and they tie those damn things down like they're made of gold or something I swear to God. Anyway, no scissors in the car, so somebody hands me a swiss army knife. Fine. Except they don't tell me the little latchey thing that locks the knife into place when you open it, is broken. So when I twisted the knife a little, it closed on my finger. It didn't even hurt at first, just the shock of seeing a knife go through my finger and I said "I need air" and we pulled over. If I was her, yes, I would have just walked outside. In shock of course. But if she didn't actually say "I just cut my finger off", then ya, I can see why somebody just jumped in and finished the order without knowing. I mean, it's gross, but it was just a mistake. It wasn't like the cockroach thing or the mouse turd thing where people were just being disgusting about health codes. Was just an accident. (My finger is fine now btw I don't have a stub or anything, just a scar lol.)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this incident will not make me love arby's any less. i've heard of way more disgusting things than this and still eaten at places. i only eat there about twice a year. their shit is way expensive for fast food but there's nothing like a big fat roast beef sandwich with arby's sauce and some curly fries.


Well-Known Member
this incident will not make me love arby's any less. i've heard of way more disgusting things than this and still eaten at places. i only eat there about twice a year. their shit is way expensive for fast food but there's nothing like a big fat roast beef sandwich with arby's sauce and some curly fries.
Yeah I have to pick up a big bag of them everytime I go that way.I can smell that nasty ass Horseysauce just thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
this incident will not make me love arby's any less. i've heard of way more disgusting things than this and still eaten at places. i only eat there about twice a year. their shit is way expensive for fast food but there's nothing like a big fat roast beef sandwich with arby's sauce and some curly fries.
I think I'd rather eat the finger. :-P


Well-Known Member
Arbys is fuckin great munchies...... it's going to take more than a couple fingers to stop me from chowing a big roast beef sandwich!