Tasty bud shot: Snow White nearing 6 weeks flower


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

Thought I would share some bud porn with you. Second grow, Snow White fem using 150 hps and Foot-hill Filters Filter (which rocks btw). Second grow, vegged 2 weeks. Use a smaller tent.




Well-Known Member
oooo my

can i ask permission to take her on a date or is she too young? either way you have a be-a-uty-ful daughter


Well-Known Member
oooo my

can i ask permission to take her on a date or is she too young? either way you have a be-a-uty-ful daughter

Thanks man! I am still trying to guess the weight when all done but no clue. She is a a little taller than two feet. My last pc grow which was half the size yielded a little more than 1/2 oz. using cfls. These buds are ROCK hard so I am wondering If I could possibly pull out a zip?? Would be nice....


Well-Known Member
seeing how big that main cola is and the fact that you have 2-3 weeks to go an ounce+ is an entirely reasonable expectation

honestly tho, ive always thought guessing yields is like trying to write prophecy