tap water and water from refrigator


Well-Known Member
hey i tested the ph of the water from my refrigator and the one from my tap water and the tap water was lower..is that possible or was the test wrong?


Active Member
No I'm sure it's correct. Different things will make the pH fluctuate around 7.0. Some things making it more acidic, others more basic.

Fill up a pitcher of water (or however much water you plan on using for one watering) 24-hours before you plan on watering them. You will really be safe using either source for your water, I use the tap because I don't have a fridge like that. But either way, letting it sit for 24 will distill the water and allow things like chlorine to evaporate off. Also, let the water distill in or near your grow-room so that it becomes the same temperature as the plant's environment. This will help cause less stress.

Hope this helps! Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
what numbers are you running?

ive heard of some filters automatically adjusting ph, dont know if yours is that kind


to make things easier, buy a gallon of distilled water for a buck, allow to become room temp and there ya go.