taking 7 grams of shrooms


Well-Known Member
Haven't tripped in a year and a half, never taken more than 2 grams.. Hopefully walking around during Halloween and going to a party hopefully it isnt too crazy for me...


Well-Known Member
Haven't tripped in a year and a half, never taken more than 2 grams.. Hopefully walking around during Halloween and going to a party hopefully it isnt too crazy for me...

You're in for one hell of a ride. that's pretty crazy man try not to get arrested.
hope it goes well


Well-Known Member
i did it my second time shrooming (7 grams). i was a junior in high school. i ended up puking and not really being able to move. so i just layed there and tripped balls with my puke not too far from me lol. walls were moving towards me and away. room was fully melted. very red tint overall. i was super fucked up. just be careful man. it could be a good time or a really bad time. not saying this will happen to you, just be careful. i was fine after 3-4 hours, just the peak was super intense.

maybe eat 4 grams, see where your at, then an hour or two after your initial peak then eat the next three grams. just a thought. but then again you should just eat all 7 grams, you never know how it will turn out.


Well-Known Member
yea dont go to jail ,,i was 16 or so did 5 grams , went to juvi for 2years, crazy story to long to type out but idk,


well what kind of shrooms are they? if there cubensis and they were grown right ur gonna be in your own little world!!!!!!! but if they were some crappier boomers i may take 1/4 to even get you going. but if those are like psilocybe cyanz, or azures, or some more exotic pan. cyanz, or pan. trop. then dont even think about eating a full 1/4!!!!!!!!! seriously.........


Well-Known Member
They're field shrooms from my friend who always had them grow on his land where he has many horses, and they're cubensis.. I know mutiple friends tripped balls off of two grams of the same shrooms.. I will report the trip tomorrow, may even come in if I remember while I'm tripping :D


a quarter of cyanz would be absurd. lol

esp if were talking pan cyanz!!!! theres no comming back from that trip i bet lmao!!!! i would never ever ever eat more then like 2 grams dry and thats gonna be one hell of a trip!

forgot to add that i also got love for the woodloving boomers like psilocybe azures, and psilocybe cyanz. but the panolous gots them faded i would take the woodlovers over cubes anyday!!!


They're field shrooms from my friend who always had them grow on his land where he has many horses, and they're cubensis.. I know mutiple friends tripped balls off of two grams of the same shrooms.. I will report the trip tomorrow, may even come in if I remember while I'm tripping :D

ahhhh ok so there cubes that are somewhat fresh? and were grown on dung!!!! dung grows potent ass boomers and give massive flushes!!!! yeah your in for a ride then dog have fun


Well-Known Member
Why is there so many..."Doing" and "Taking" threads going up..Shit make them after you do it.."I Took" and give a trip report. If I told you everytime I was going to do something we would have a new thread every day haha. Write a trip report afterwards.


lol yeah he should be alright. but at the same time i knew a dude who ate close to a 1/4 of shrooms like 5 grams and he was running from the police all stupid for nothing and cut his ballsack open tryna jump a fence. no lie


hell yeah always go with atleast a quarter and hold on

thats poor advice unless you eat them very often. i would do an 1/8 and see were that takes you and up it a little if you gotta


its no lie the cops came up to dude like wtf!! why did you run for and patted him for drugs or a gun then they saw the blood and called e.m.s. and it took like 30 stitches to sow up his sack. i know this cuzz his cuzzin was with him and not tripping and told me what happend. you think tripping in the woods is trippy? trip in the big city at night, with all its lights and noise, and shadows thats a trip


Well-Known Member
thats poor advice unless you eat them very often. i would do an 1/8 and see were that takes you and up it a little if you gotta

it's not bad advice. if you're the type to run from cops and dumbshit like that the shrooms will probably not agree with you but if you're sure of yourself and know you're on a drug you'll be ok drugs don't justify stupid behavior..