take a look, what is this on my plants??


New Member
So i woke up this morning to see this stuff on my plants? i am a new grower so i am not really sure about the ins and outs of possibly pest control. I looked up common pest on plants and they say spider mites are a huge one. I look at the under sides of the leaves and i dont really see too much. There is a possibility that it is spider mites, but i dont see the little dots anywhere. What is this and how do i get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it might be leaf damage caused by handling. The first pic almost looks like you might have powdery mildew on the leaf. I'm pretty much guessing though, still learning a lot myself. Whatever it ends up being, hopefully it doesn't turn into anything more. Keep us posted. What strain are you growing by the way? Are you growing indoors or out? Have you been feeding the plant any nutrients when you water?