T5 to CMH/HPS 1400w Papaya and Blue Mystic Grow


Active Member
Didn't have time to take pictures, but you're going to be amazed at the difference in the Papaya and Trainwrecks after 10 days of Dynagrow Bloom nutes. HUGE improvement, I just wish I would have done a log of my last grow as a comparison. This is the best any of the plants I've grown have ever looked, and the only thing I changed was the nutrient line.


Active Member
Here's pictures from today:

Little Trainwreck clones:


Papaya 1:

Papaya 2:

And another TW at 14 days:

Blue Mystic Girls ready to be put into flower:

Couldn't tell from the pics which was Papaya #3 because of the yellowing effect. Will post pics of #3 tomorrow. All three Blue Mystic will go into flower tomorrow.


Active Member
Concerned about the leaves pointing up on Papaya 1 and 2.

Papaya 1:

Papaya 2:
Papaya 2 has some reddish stems toward the top which also has me concerned. PH is at 6.0 and PPM is at 900 on both


Here's Papaya 3 17 days in flower:



Active Member
One blue Mystic girl looked like it was having trouble in veg so I'm leaving it there to hopefully recover. Two of the Blue Mystic girls are in flower now. I am naming BM#1 "Big Momma" and BM#2 is "Blue Meanie" #3 since it is having trouble is now "Bad Midget".


Active Member
Here's some new shots.

Blue Mystics 7 days in:

Papaya 1 day 38:

The pics of 2 and 3 didn't come out well. Got some decent pics of my trainwrecks though.

Trainwrecks at day 46 (Began flushing yesterday)



Active Member
Yes sir. I really like this cut/pheno. I clone the heck outta it. I get really nice big fat buds out of it that are out of this world potency wise. I'm particularly excited with this batch though because I switched nutes and they just look phenominal. A lot of the buds are $0.50 piece sized, I just wished I'd vegged them a bit longer so I'd have more buds.

arik maso

Active Member
im glad to hear something good about GHS. i've never bought seeds from them, cuz i'd only heard negative things until now. but i really like your trainwreck, it looks like a great yielder. TW is good stuff


Active Member
The trainwreck up close ( I really need to know how to work my camera better) look like they're heavily encrusted with sugar and I figure they have at least 5-10 more days to go. I'm going to let them go to at least 52 days this time to see if they pack on any more weight. I usually chop around 47 with excellent results.


Active Member
Hey man,
I've read your progress as I too am going to grow the Papaya, I selected it for it's mould and disease resistance trait. Although I noticed that the leaves in the Papaya seems discoloured and patchy, is this what they look like or is it a heat issue? did you discover why the leaves were curling up ear;y in the grow?
I'll be throwing my Papayas outside after a brief 3 weeks of indoor vegetative growth. I hope they get big enough in those short 3 weeks.



Active Member
I believe I overfed the papaya's at first causing a bit of nute burn, they seem to be fine now. I showed the pics to my buddy who has a lot more grows under his belt than I do and he said I was, and I quote, "Being a baby" and they "looked fine". Papaya #3 hasn't had any of the leaf curl and/or burn and smells the most like fruit, although it's 15 days behind the others.


Active Member
I believe I overfed the papaya's at first causing a bit of nute burn, they seem to be fine now. I showed the pics to my buddy who has a lot more grows under his belt than I do and he said I was, and I quote, "Being a baby" and they "looked fine". Papaya #3 hasn't had any of the leaf curl and/or burn and smells the most like fruit, although it's 15 days behind the others.
I can hear it now "Stop being a baby".
I was planning on having these Papayas of mine at a very remote area, the guerilla grow will be using wet-agents and slow release nutes. I was planning on putting them in the ground and forgetting about them for a few weeks at a time. I haven't read that they are over-sensitive to nutes, maybe take it easy with the slow release stuff? I was just going to use Tomato food in the soil.


Active Member
This is my first time using growing papaya, and I've never grown outdoors or in soil so I really can't speak to it. However, some people have been using dyna-gro in soil, which is what I'm using in my hydro setup with excellent results. It's fairly low cost and very effective.


Active Member
Did a nute/res change, and took a lot of pictures. I'm still learning how to use my camera better but I figured you'd like some shots.
Here's Papaya #1, it's at day 41, she's running at 1000 ppm, Dynagro Bloom + Dynagro Pro Tek:

Papaya #2 (didn't get a res change today, it will tomorrow):

Here's my Blue Mystic girls. "Big Momma" seems to be a bit more branchy, but they have little to no flower development yet.

Trainwreck at 25 days:
Trainwreck DWC monster at day 25 as well:
Big DWC TW.jpg

And here is a TW (currently flushing) I'm chopping this week, they're small but the buds are 50 cent piece size:

And here's the one side of my grow, so you can see papaya1 papaya 2 and Trainwreck (25 day small) next to each other:

Hope ya enjoy!


Active Member
Changed the blue mystic and papaya 2 nutes this morning.

Big momma ppm 1000
Blue Meanie ppm 950
Papaya #2 ppm 880

I've heard blue mystic likes light nutes, but this doesn't appear to be the case with this batch.

Had a Vanilla kush at 16 inches that was already fimmed a while ago, threw that into flower with 35 mg Dynagro Gro and 20 mg Dyagro protex. Resulting in a ppm of 750. Will have pics tomorrow while I think of what to name her :)


Active Member
Here's the next generation, gonna try a couple TGA strains in Hydro. I'm hoping I'll love the Chernobyl even more than my trainwreck.
Here's the Chernobyl babies:
Chernobyl Babies.jpg

And here are my Plush berry (*aka pink lady)


Active Member
Harvested the 5 small TW today. will put more clones in the areo unit, they've had longer to veg this time so I'll get a nicer yield. I think I got about 2.5 oz from the 5 small plants (vegged at 6") but I'll have to weigh it when dry.


Active Member
Trainwreck harvest pics:

Papaya 1 48 days:

Papaya 2 47 days:

And here is the Vanilla Kush:
vanilla kush.jpg

And the Blue Mystics:



Active Member
Papaya 1 and papaya 2 had their res buckets scrubbed, and then filled with tap (ppm 120), and 40 ml of Sugar daddy (I got a free sample so I figured why not) to begin their flush. In 4 days I'll just do straight RO water. Tomorrow the rest of the flower room will have their resses changed.