syrup day 21, paranoia?


hi, these are a few pics from day 21 of my auto syrup. they have been on 12/13 light cycles since seedling, soiled in bat mix also from the start and now in 5L pots. im not the best gardener in the world but do my babys look healthy? claw leaf? or am i just paranoid? any suggestions and comments will be appreciated :roll:



Active Member
they look pretty healthy but why are you running 12/13. when running autos you want them on 18/6 some say 20 but from what I've seen they like 18/6. Your significantly cutting your plant short of light and yield


I second that, Sir! Man, looking nice just give her more light so her full potential can be realized.


this is my first experience with autos.i did some research on cycles before purchase and some say 24 hour cycles other say 18/6, so i sorta stayed in between. make my own assumptions and mistakes. my biggest is 1.3 ft, my smallest is slowly crawling in at 23 inches. does it soud like im bringing in a small yield all together? i have 4 all together.


New Member
yea it sounds like it not familiar with autos but if i was to grow some i would stick with what others had sucsess on ?????


Active Member
autos are always a small yield. I mean yea you can get a zip off of one but i personally don't waste the time on autos I'd rather grow out a photo a few extra weeks and alot more nugs. I don't know what is the best for lights but from persoanl experience it seems they really do good with 6hrs of sleep time. But Im no auto expert I just throw them around to supplement other grows.