Switching to Hydro (need "pro" help)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its been a long time.

I will make this short and sweet.

I am changing from outdoor to indoor thanks to the new laws.

I have a train cart and have a budget of $17,000 for hydro set up (or whatever someone recommends is better then hydo) because ive not done hydro before except for a few small set ups so I dont know what technology has changed.

Im looking at about 30 feet by 10 feet of workable space.

Want "pro" tips on what to do with the money and space




Well-Known Member
This is such a ridiculously loaded question, and after admitting you know little to nothing about hydro, nor what's better,.. theres only one tip you need,.. www.google.com.

Start reading, then come back with a realm of an idea of what you want help with so it's at least not so blatantly obviously you want others to do the work for you.


Well-Known Member
This is such a ridiculously loaded question, and after admitting you know little to nothing about hydro, nor what's better,.. theres only one tip you need,.. www.google.com.

Start reading, then come back with a realm of an idea of what you want help with so it's at least not so blatantly obviously you want others to do the work for you.

If you dont have a tip, dont troll my thread. Thanks

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
ok im no "pro" but DIYer is right in one sense that yea you should do some research before asking for tips, however wrong in the he presented it. u merely have to understand that indoor hydro is like cooking, learn the "recipe" and merely double it for more people. in any case what im saying is learn what information is there once u completely understand the concept expanding it will be easy here is a video to get u started, tho u dont have to build your own hydro just come to understand what is going on in a hydro system, and you can just buy a system now days


good info there and watch till the end beacuse it tells you a bit mroe info on hydro at the end as the 2nd half of the vid is more about the growing then the set up

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
My advice is that you HAVE to become your own "pro." The safest way to do that is start slow, experiment, learn from mistakes and scale up over time. Jump in all at once and the inevitable mistakes will only be magnified.


Active Member
Pro Tips
Golden Rule : READ

#1 expensive is not always better.
#2 KISS Keep It Simple St....
#3 Use good ballasts and Light Bulbs
#4 don't use Advanced Nutrients with the exception
of their ph up/down with that a few drops per
gallon do the trick
#6 Spend at least an hour a day in your room
smoke a bowl, read a growbook, jams some
tunes, your plants will thank you by getting
you way high
#7 keep on top of maintenance (ph, top off res's etc.)
#8 Cleanliness is Godliness

My $.02


Active Member
Pro Tips
Golden Rule : READ

#1 expensive is not always better.
#2 KISS Keep It Simple St....
#3 Use good ballasts and Light Bulbs
#4 don't use Advanced Nutrients with the exception
of their ph up/down with that a few drops per
gallon do the trick
#6 Spend at least an hour a day in your room
smoke a bowl, read a growbook, jams some
tunes, your plants will thank you by getting
you way high
#7 keep on top of maintenance (ph, top off res's etc.)
#8 Cleanliness is Godliness

My $.02

Don't overstock on nutrients, buy what you need and keep it simple.
Research what works before taking others advice on somthing.


New Member
Pro Tips
Golden Rule : READ

#1 expensive is not always better.
#2 KISS Keep It Simple St....
#3 Use good ballasts and Light Bulbs
#4 don't use Advanced Nutrients with the exception
of their ph up/down with that a few drops per
gallon do the trick
#6 Spend at least an hour a day in your room
smoke a bowl, read a growbook, jams some
tunes, your plants will thank you by getting
you way high
#7 keep on top of maintenance (ph, top off res's etc.)
#8 Cleanliness is Godliness

My $.02
Agree cept for the AN bashing.. my Sensi PH Perfect will crush your yields and quality. I love this stuff.


Well-Known Member
#1. Choose your system. i would suggest building NFT tables(Nutrient film tek). they are the easiest to set-up and maintain, they are also good if you have a problem because you can get to the plants.

#2 Choose your style. are you growing Sea of green, screen of green, pruning for multiple heads, or just leaving them be.....

#3. get nutrients THAT WORK. dont be cheap and buy the cheapest stuff on the shelves, and DO NOT buy what a hydro store owner tells you to... they are idiots 90% of the time. http://www.biocanna.com/ this is what i use as a base line. its 100% organic and works amazingly.

#4. Buy a Hydro book and read it. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. http://www.amazon.ca/How-Hydroponics-Keith-F-Roberto/dp/0967202612 and remember, it doesn't HAVE to be about weed.... they are still plants.
How-To Hydroponics shows readers in an
easy-to-follow, step-by-step fashion, how to design, build and
operate their own hydroponics and aeroponics systems, which can
be readily made from inexpensive parts.
Numerous chapters are devoted to the sc


Well-Known Member
To everyone that has added some info, you all have really helped me out. To the others that didnt, I have been growing for a long time, and something that makes you better is to keep learning, always. Just some advice from me to you.

Ok guys thanks for your tips, everything is up and running :) :)


Rebel From The North
This is such a ridiculously loaded question, and after admitting you know little to nothing about hydro, nor what's better,.. theres only one tip you need,.. www.google.com.

Start reading, then come back with a realm of an idea of what you want help with so it's at least not so blatantly obviously you want others to do the work for you.
this is a bullshit reply! if you dont have anything better than a troll reply then dont at all :)


Rebel From The North
Hey guys its been a long time.

I will make this short and sweet.

I am changing from outdoor to indoor thanks to the new laws.

I have a train cart and have a budget of $17,000 for hydro set up (or whatever someone recommends is better then hydo) because ive not done hydro before except for a few small set ups so I dont know what technology has changed.

Im looking at about 30 feet by 10 feet of workable space.

Want "pro" tips on what to do with the money and space


if hydro is what your thinking! then I would go with a simple setup till you learn a bit how different systems work!
ebb&flow would be a good chioce, like flood tables. there simple and not easy to mess up. basic tools such as ph pen
and a ppm meter are a must. the size you plan on going is up to you. if you want to chat more just hit me up!


Rebel From The North
Just cause dude got 17k and no clue on hydro dont mean shit! Im sure hes got a field in outdoor or soil!
I was the same when I switched :)


New Member
How'd he got everything up and running in two weeks? LOL. I thought he was looking for help.

Well, my only advice is try and keep the setup as simple as possible in the beginning. The less moving parts the better. When I switched to hydro I was so busy fixing leaks and dealing with plumbing issues that my girls suffered.

Best of luck man.


Active Member
Damn.. I did'nt no shit when I started and have 77 plants looking awsome! It takes time and alot of research to do it right. Pay attention to what your plants are telling you and adjust as needed. Always use less nutes then what the bottle says and you dont have to worry about burn. Watch your PH so the plants get the nutes and don't lock out. Plants are like kids takes an effort and a love for the field. Chat with the people that know their shit and have had success in the hydro world. You are on the right tract so take your time and do it right.
Good luck and happy growing..


Well-Known Member
this is a bullshit reply! if you dont have anything better than a troll reply then dont at all :)

Yeah. That guy is über douche. He was being a total dick on another thread I was subbed to.

To the OP.. Is your system really set up now? You could really run some wattage with that much space. If it were me I would rock a 20 site undercurrent system under around 15k watts If I were you, I would go with ebb an flow until you get an understanding of water chemistry, hydro plant needs and sanitation/sterilization needs.

Good luck!