switching from veg to flower in 2 weeks...should i transition from Flouro to HPS ???


Active Member
i currently have 3 girls about 5-6 weeks from seed ( look great...8-12 inches tall) and plan to put them into flowering within 3-4 weeks depending on when i can grab clones from them. in veg i am using (6) t12 Sylvania Horto bulbs at 40W/bulb...and for flower will be using 400W HPS....should i start to transition them into the HPS a couple hours a day....ya know "harden" them...new to this indoor stuff so any posts r appreciated....and how early can i grab clones.....i have already topped em once and are doing good.


Active Member
no need to trans them into hps light.. when you wanna flower just stick em under the hps light...... as for takin clones i like to take mine in the first week of flowering ( but i take mine from ones that were already cloned so i know ther are female even in veg, but in your case cuz you started from seed i would take clones as soon as you see sign of female maybe a couple days after


Well-Known Member
When I transition mine I move them at lights off and start my 12/12 when I would typically turn the lights back on in veg doing so keeps from stressing the plant same light cycle just move from one to the other happy growing!


Well-Known Member
are you using the 400w right now? I'd veg them under them the next 2 weeks, you'll see a huge increase in growth i bet and then just take your clones and flip to 12/12, you could of started taking clones a week or 2 ago if you'd started under the hps. anyway, no, no transition time is needed, but i'd get em under the hps asap, regardless of lighting cycle your going to use the next few weeks.