Swiss Bliss Project


What Was That
Alright here goes nothin. Ive never done a grow journal, but i am also especially proud of this one so i will tell you about it. My baby has not flowered in fact i am about a week or two till im going to flower, but please let me know your thoughts.
Nov 1: Seed left in water (1 full day,24hr) have sprouted. I transfer them to a large bucket filled with organic soil. Over the next couple of weeeks i basically keep the area around the base of the seedling moist.
Dec1:Seedling has grown very nicely, sprouting new leaves and just taking in all it can. I have started to water when i see that the top soil is about half dry (looks like half dry dirt , half still moist.) :spew:
Dec15: Guess whos moving. Yup i had to move her in the middle of the winter at night so that made me real nervous. We covered her with a dark plastic bag to keep her warm. Then we carried through an apartment, into a 72 degree car drove 26 miles and then into her new home.
Jan1: Happy New Year Motha******. Well all is great, She sprouted litle white hairs everywhere, and has gaind another 8 inches:hump:. I have attached pics , please leave your opion on anything . I will be updating:mrgreen:

