SWIM First Grow! Lowryder 2


Active Member
Hello all, I'm fairly new to this but have decided to setup a grow room. Two main reasons for this are, local prices are expensive and I need a hobby! Below are pictures of the grow room being built! Any questions or tips are gratefully appreciated! :joint:



Well-Known Member
Looks nice, are you going to leave the walls green or repaint them? What type of lights do you plan on using? How many do you plan to fit in there?

Nice setup so far, might want to paint the walls white or cover with mylar wrapping paper, good luck!


Active Member
grow went to shit, mother found my little babies before they even had a chance! should have a new grow up and going in no time! Cheers!


Active Member
Looks like your grow went about as well as that first set of pictures you put up...