Sweet Dreams

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
After making the decision to refrain from using any and all illegal or mind altering substances for the time being, I've become increasingly interested in astral-projection. This is also partly due to the fact that I recently watched Insidious.

Anyway, astral-projection is something that is more likely to occur as a young child and usually it occurs without you even attempting it. The visual depictions and scenery of the astral world shown in Insidious were astoundingly similar to mine own as a young child. It brought back many memories and has challenged me to attempt such a feat again as an adult.

If I ever have success with this, I will be sure to inform you all of the experience.

Also, how do YOU protect your body at night?



Active Member
I tried such things for many years when I was younger. Many hours of meditation seemed to yield me nothing. I can count maybe two experiences that I might count as astral projection, or out of body experience, which weren't the result of any sort of meditation. One was extremely profound, and more euphoric than anything I've ever experienced. I would relate it to stories I've heard of astral sex. The euphoria reached such an astronomical level that I "blacked out" until I woke up in the morning. Not necessarily unconscious, but more like aware of nothing.

I have been fascinated by the occult, which could be the reason for my interest in mind-manifesting substances. Being unsuccessful with one technique seems to have brought me to other avenues of approach.


I've been dabbling in lucid dreaming for about 6 months now. I've recently been successful haveing 5 LD so far. They are so amazing. While Ive been trying to lucid dream I've had 3 OBE's which have had a huge impact on my perception of reality. If you don't LD yet, its a good starting point for trying to achieve astral projection. If you'd like to speak more about dreaming and such feel free to pm. Maybe we can Exchange emails if you are into it that much. Take care, see you on the other side!

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
The only times I have ever been able to do such things was in a tank.

The closest thing I've gotten to a tank was some earplugs and a blindfold. It works all the same. It just takes a bit longer because you have to overcome your physical sensations. Mind over matter.

I'd love to have a tank though. I'm tryin to find a cheap one.