SuperSoil vs Organic Bottled Nutes


Well-Known Member
Don't bother with him, he's using bottled salt based nutrients and thinks it's organic, totally clueless and a big hater.
thats you.... mr. one minded it has to be OMRI.... keep giving out bad info...

what happened??? why arent you supporting OMRI anymore???
is hyroot your teacher??? you were really strong about omri until hyroot shitted on OMRI....


Well-Known Member
Don't bother with him, he's using bottled salt based nutrients and thinks it's organic, totally clueless and a big hater.
yup im totally clueless...
this is your recent picture,,, your watermark...
please stop giving out organic tips.... your obviously struggling and clueless....
what is that 3-4 weeks maybe??? and its that yellow??
