Super Skunk!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Pretty much this is my baby, she is a skunk. smells wonderfull. growing good. i got it on a 24/7 cycle for veg. under a flor. tube. 2 inches away. its a damn good start





Well-Known Member
shell grow faster next time if you start off with a smaller pot then transplant once more to a final pot,you get a better and stronger root system if you use a smaller pot, then when u see growth slow down and it looks to big for the potthen you transplant it, just something to think about on your next grow


Well-Known Member
I realize that, but it started off in a 3 inch by 3 inch pot. and i just recently transplanted it about 6 days ago. :D thanks for the feedback though.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I usually always start in a rockwool cube... weather it be of a clone or from seed and then i transplant to the final container from there.. it always seems to be AMAIZNG.. if I do say so myself.. iloveyou

I do attribute almost all my success to perfect pH and perfect watering technique which includes GREAT plant observation skilzzzz.. :)


Well-Known Member
ablazed blunt, trust me, everyone says you need 400w-1000w lights. I bag to differ with everyone. I have GREAT success on floures. tubes. and the wattage is 20w and 1200 lumens. perfect for 1-2 plants. the money you save on electricity is a HUGE bonus too. you dont have to worry about heat issues eather. another bonus.

Flor. also put out a blue spectrum instead of red. and i personally think plants like blue spectrums more.

with flor. you can keep your plant 2 inches from it at all times without worrys of fire/burning or harming your plant.

and instead of long gangly skronny plants you get FULL-BUSHY PLANTS.

hope I helped ya out.



Well-Known Member
They prefer red for flowering. I also use flo's but i think the 20 watt is too small. I still use them though. Im flowering with two 4 foot 40 watt cool white bulbs. I need the warm white but its what i had on hand. I also use fish tank fixtures with 17 watt lights. I just bought a 150 watt hps for 38.00 on ebay. I cant wait to get it. Im still gonna veg with flo's and flower with the hps and flos.


Well-Known Member
bigflint. u got it down man. keep doing what your doing. you should be succesfull. my room is completly sealed and its a constant 80 degrees. and ventalated. so im alright with my method. It hasnt failed me yet.

I experimented with halogen lights for flowering a while back but they were quite warm and i had to have a lot of wind circulation. they worked alright though.


Active Member
Yo that plant is beautiful!!! keep us posted! :joint: how many cfls are you using? and what light setup if any other lights? im planning on setting up a 1-2 plant grow area with more than enough space just im worried about lighting