Super Silver Haze WHite widow belladonna sasquatch grow


Active Member
I got one SSH one white widow one belladonna and one sasquatch they are probably a week away from veg and as a little more then 2ft tall. How much can i generally expect from a 2.5ft tall plant after flowering. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
There are way too many variables that can affect yield for anyone to be able to answer that question with any degree of accuracy. Two ounces, give or take an ounce is about the closest you're going to get...that sounds like I'm being a smartass but it's as close as anyone can call it, especially with the information given and without seeing the plant.

By the way, someone asks this same question like ten times daily, please use the search function--or at least your scroll wheel--in the future.

Good luck with the rest of your grow.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it getting much bigger in that size pot. If you put it in the ground now you may be able to pack on another foot or so.

FYI: Exactly one (1) post above this one is someone asking the exact same question.
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