Super Oxy off the shelves?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know why they stopped selling super oxy? My plants loved it. I heard you can just use 1 cup per gallon of Hydrogen Peroxide????


New Member
Is this the stuff your talking about ?


Boosts Oxygen content in hydroponics

Oxy-Plus increases the amount of available oxygen in the root zone. This encourages increased nutrient uptake, leading to more vigorous plants with thicker stems, bushier leaves and shorter internodes. Use Oxy-Plus for plants growing in pots, NFT, Flood & Drain, Rockwool and Aeroponics. Full instructions come supplied with every order and can also be downloaded from our web site. Gets our fullest recommendation.

We also offer Oxy-Plus Test Strips, which tell you the dissolved oxygen content of your nutrient solution. You can manage without the Oxy-Plus Test Strips but many growers like the reassurance of the accuracy they provide.


New Member
I've never bothered with this sort of thing... Been growing along time but im interested - can anyone tell me what type of hydrogen peroxide to use and how much with the water? I'm in flowering, stopped all bloom nutes and just using mollasses at the mo. This would be nice for me to test next time round.