Super Cropping


Well-Known Member
a friend and I were talking about supercropping today when he said that a veteran hippy grower he knows would supercrop a week before harvest with the idea that the plant stresses and swells the bud and even increase trichomes as it trys to reheal. I know this is just hear-say but I wonder if there's any truth behind it

Hey man sorry i kinda missed this...

So anytime that someone tells me that it pushes thc out ... by hanging.. stressing blah blah... pushing thc out?.... lol... Clearly people that tell you about these things can be discarded as wives-tale growing vs science growing.

What they need to do is read. And maybe get a loupe and grow a bud once. lol... once you see that everything is in the trichome heads then youll start understanding this entire thing.

LIke i said bro. Read the FAQ's.. read some threads... search for trichomes... youll see some nice research.

As far as why i choose 1 or 2 weeks before flowering is for 2 reosons.

1. Allows plant to go into flowering period unstressed and recovered.

2. Allows the bud sites to adapt and grow "UP" towards the light.

The trick is to not allow them to go too tall by flowering too late after supercroping. You flower too soon and you end up with medium buds growing down this sideways branchs. So 1 week to 2 weeks is what i recommend.

IF you see in my experiment in this thread its all about the timing.

But i assure you it has nothing to do with the plant loving stress... it just happens to be a plant that adapts very well to it. Youll see where the bends and pinches are done that the plant will recover and make larger walls. Thus (theory here) allowes better nutrient flow to the above bud sites.



Well-Known Member
i figured he was just talking out his ass, but thanks for the clarification. i've been through the faq a couple times but never saw anything about trichomes so i'll see if i can find anthing when i go back through. thanks again man


Well-Known Member
do you only supercrop during vegging or do you do it in flowering stage also?? does it really increase yield that much?? do you fimm then suppercrop?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I'll put some pic's of the ladies in the flower room later when the lights come on. I had to crop them after I started flower. It was all done after the first week because when they got hit by the HPS they took off like mad. I'm going to switch the MH out for another HPS after the next group is in for a week.....


Well-Known Member
Here's just a few.....
Very Nice (in the borat voice LOL)

those bud sites would have been 4 or 5 inches tall if he would have done it in the last week of veg. in any case... regardless of when you do it. Now those bud sites are at the TOP... so there gonna get excellent growth and weight.

Great job bro!


Well-Known Member
i'd like to see your face, i liked the pooch one.

hehehe.. well i hope your female bunny... cause if not... wouldnt it be wierd you want to see my face...LOL

honestly i think that the people in my area that have seen my pics online could pick me out in the street... Im always getting my doggy muscled up bike riding n shit.... plus i have one of those unforgettable faces...LOL



Well-Known Member
genfranco you never answered my question if you can do this with clone
lol... i had gone off on you about your question and then thought of what an ass i sounded like...LOL

OK so here is the nicest way i can put the answere...

Yes...once a clones roots it is the same as any other seeded plant. it will grow just like any other plant... making all components neccesary for the plant to grow and reproduce. .....and to answere your next question... no you cant clone a leaf.. (well you can clone it will root..... but it wont grow cause there are no growth nodes on a leaf)

its hard to be a nice guy...much easier to be a dick about things... be happy cuase this is me being nice...LOL

P.S. Read FAQ's...then read them again. then come back and say thank you. good luck!


Well-Known Member

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
lol... i had gone off on you about your question and then thought of what an ass i sounded like...LOL
its hard to be a nice guy...much easier to be a dick about things... be happy cuase this is m being nice...LOL

P.S. Read FAQ's...then read them again. then come back and say thank you. good luck!
It's a bit trying to answer questions that have been answered 1000 times but good for you on holding back on this guy.....

alright!.. lol... you can come learn under me anytime lady. ;-)

P.S. Im no pro though....LOL... still learnin here... so no charge :bigjoint:
Learn "under" you? Sounds like an interesting position for tutoring a young female....:-P


Well-Known Member
so ive bent mine and the branch has a fold in it wont this cut off the internal water pipe just like if you bend a hose