Supchaka's Blackstar 240 and 150 HPS Grow 12/12 From Seed!


Well-Known Member
Heeeeere we go, when are you going to set that bad boy up? Any idea what kind of ballast that is?
I'm probably going to have it all set up tomorrow, I need to pick up some ducting. I havent looked at the ballast up close yet. Im sure its a cheap setup like off amazon which I was going to buy anyway so I figured why not. I did almost get a brand name setup from a dude, a sunlight supply ballast and hood for $250 and his had a fan too, with a controller even. But I really wanted the cooltube.


Well-Known Member
You have to tell us if the cool hood works. Wondering how that work. You probably notice the light pretty quick, you probably have to worry about burning your plants at first. Have


Well-Known Member
I guess Im going to start yet another thread... sorry guys! Dont worry though, my new title isnt going to claim a wattage or light type so it wont change again!
Of course setting up the new light took longer than I expected and was a pain in the butt. I got the fan hanging so theres no vibration. Let me just say, HOLY SHIT its loud in there now. Im thinking I need to get a fan controller for sure now.
