Sunleaves Bat guano's


Well-Known Member
so to get the NPK of all the guano's u mix 3 to 4 tbsp in a gallon
Indo .5~12~.2
Jamican 1~10~.1
Mex 10~2~1
Peruvian Sea bird 10~10~2


Well-Known Member
I have jamaican, and the peruvian seabird. I have been using them as a top dressing, about a table spoon spread over the top of my soils. I had an issue with the peruvian, it seemed to strip my soil of its micro nutes, and took a while to break down from its pellet form. I would recommend the tea methods, as it will either not do enough, or too much as a top dressing. Go light for now, and add more to your recipies as you and your plants see fit. I started mixing in my water jug ( I mix only a gallon at a time for my flower room) and have had improved results with the Jamaican (P). Tea is where its at, no doubt


Active Member


Any thoughts on this though. Instead of worm castings I'm going to use worm juice... its the leachate form vermicomposting. and I was thinking of also adding in a shovel of compost to both the veg and flowering tea. And then after I strain the mixture through nylon or a pillow case or whatever use the chunky stuff left behind as a top dressing. I notice that whenever I used worm castings as a top dressing even when watering twice a day it would take a couple days to fully sink in to the soil. and my compost would take even longer. So I'm thinking if you do this you can don't have to feed every day or even every other day. you could probably feed once every three days. :) I can't wait til next year when i've implemented all of this and the results are what I'm looking for and the cost of feeding my babies drops significantly.


Well-Known Member
if you mean adding worm juice insted of worm castings into the tea, i think worm casting would be better its got to be cheaper to brew your own worm tea. i use compost tea on EVERYTHING i grow i add about 2 gallons of compost to 3 gallons of rain water and i brew this tea seperate and add it 1 to 1 to my bird poop tea. i don't filter the bird poop and worm tea, but i filter the compost tea

green as grass

Active Member
1 tblspn indo bat guano per gallon of r/o water
2/3 cup of worm casting
1/3 cup of GH ancient forest (alaskan humus) good stuff
1 tblspn of unsulphered molassas per 2 gallon of r/o water
1 tblspn of kelp exstract and fish emulsion mix per gallon of water (i'll check on brand later but got from armstrongs and its mixed together in one bottle)
brew for 24 hrs. if to much brew froth on top use some papaya juice to knock down the froth, kinda like when u wipe your nose and touch your beer froth. it has some enzyme in it that help with that.
best book to check out for microbial biology is "Teaming With Microbes" awsome book!

green as grass

Active Member
i also only mix in 5 gallon batches. also jus noticed this is an old thread but what ev sure someone is reading this jus like i did. lol


Well-Known Member

Gardening should be about simple is better approach. I'll tell you a proven simple method for plants. Seabird guano Sunleaves 10-10-10 is all you need in nuts...period. From just after seedlings till flush. Monthly take a sharpe pen the middle size or something about the width and poke a hole in 3 places around the plant 3 inchs deep. Take a heavy load/pinch of seabird guano and place in hole then filling with dirt. Water as usual and the pellets will desolve with normal watering. The garden will look like a lowes garden center with no possible way of over/under nuting in my experience. Repeat monthly and the last 4 weeks reduce the amount of pellets. super results with no mixing or over nuting from overmixing. simple reduces the possible issue that can come up.....

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
Your plants will do much better using the entire range of sunleaves guano's... Relaxed your plants require different amounts of different nutrients at different stages of there life cycle... Just using the seabird guano will produce a very poor result compared to using entire range for the reasons I list below... I use this stuff, bat guano is the best organic fertilzer available period and sunleaves is IMO the best quality you can buy... Ive used this stuff for 4 years with amazing results...

Mexican bat guano: 10:2:1 this guano is high in nitrogen perfect for veg stage...

Seabird guano: 10:10:2 high in nitrogen and phosphorus perfect for transitional phase between veg and flower...

Jamaican guano: 1:10:0.2 high in phosphorus perfect for early to mid flowering cycle

Indonesian guano: 0.5:12:0.2 ultra low in nitrogen high in phosphorus perfect for end of flowering cycle...

The best way to use is to make teas using the dosages recommended in sunleaves feeding schedule... I add the correct type and amount of guano to a 5 gal bucket with an air stone in it to mix and leave for 48 hours except for the seabird guano which is very hot and will burn plants if not used properly I let this mix for at least 72 hours... This will produce amazing results for an easy to use organic fertilzer....

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Is an air stone 100$% necessary to make a tea?
I would say on a large scale yes, on a small scale no. People have been gardening much longer than we have had pumps and airstones, I make teas in 1 gallon jugs filled halfway, and burped and vigorously shaken every couple hours to keep the water oxygenated and stored in a cool place. Works pretty well for me, been doing it for a long long time, back when all the plants in my garden were fruits and veggies and non-cannabis flowers.


Well-Known Member
I would say on a large scale yes, on a small scale no. People have been gardening much longer than we have had pumps and airstones, I make teas in 1 gallon jugs filled halfway, and burped and vigorously shaken every couple hours to keep the water oxygenated and stored in a cool place. Works pretty well for me, been doing it for a long long time, back when all the plants in my garden were fruits and veggies and non-cannabis flowers.
Sounds good thanks for the answer. How much guano per gallon do you use?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Sounds good thanks for the answer. How much guano per gallon do you use?
I should start by saying that I use a bloom tea since my soil doesn't need extra nutes until flower. So in my bloom tea I usually use about 4-5 tablespoons of Indonesian bat guano, 1tsp SP-90 Humic Acid, 2 tablespoon kelp meal, and 1-2 tablespoon Blackstrap Molasses (And sometimes 1-2 tablespoons 4-6-2 Growmore Rose Food if I feel like I need some more nitrogen) in half a gallon of water, shake every couple hours for about 48 hours, then I dilute it with 2-3 parts water to 1 part tea, so that half gallon makes 3-4 gallons of what I actually water with. Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
I should start by saying that I use a bloom tea since my soil doesn't need extra nutes until flower. So in my bloom tea I usually use about 4-5 tablespoons of Indonesian bat guano, 1tsp SP-90 Humic Acid, 2 tablespoon kelp meal, and 1-2 tablespoon Blackstrap Molasses (And sometimes 1-2 tablespoons 4-6-2 Growmore Rose Food if I feel like I need some more nitrogen) in half a gallon of water, shake every couple hours for about 48 hours, then I dilute it with 2-3 parts water to 1 part tea, so that half gallon makes 3-4 gallons of what I actually water with. Hope that helps!
Thanks that sound perfect! Making a potent mix and then diluting it sound like the way to go because I wanna make some tea for my outdoor plants ( Which is a bit of a hike ) and If I can just take a potent gal of it then I can get water from the river near by and dilute it.

Cheers :smile: Ordered this



Well-Known Member
I got my guano kit. Can you make guano concentrates and add water to dilute it? Any recipes?