

Well-Known Member
I use brown sugar, seems to be fine. But another grower turned me to molasses for better results and I will try that soon when I get the time.
f-in pussys eh

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
ay pussy, im tired of you alright? plain and simple. act smart somewhere else sucka, i dont care for your opinion. and it aint my fault u cant figure out how to utilize sugar in a hydro system without keeping other things in control, thats a personal problem you gotta deal with. so take that shit to jenny jones or sum
bongjockey is neither a pussy nor wrong. Plants can't use sugar as a nutrient, that simple.

So, you a bad muthafucka? Come beat me up if you can get your hand off your prick long enough.


Well-Known Member
this guy too...what the fuck is it about you dumbass smart people. first off, when in the fuck did i say that plants use sugar as a nutrient? and second, they use the shit whether you can see how or not...plants work all day to make sugar to grow. much as one would work all day to make money to eat. sugar for growth, money to eat...if one was given money he wouldnt have to work as hard to eat the same right? just as a plant that doesnt have to manufacture its own food can use more energy to grow... i dont know what it is that makes you assholes right,no one can tell me how im to both of you pussies, have a great day. if u ever recognize me in public make sure and stop me, i would love to pick some of the greatest minds of the twentieth century...hehe. before you wanna tell me im wrong pick up a book and show me son, dont get all butthurt cuz i would scrape u and ur boyfriend

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Yeah, what the fuck is it about us 'smart people?'

I'll tell ya what it is- we can tell just what a small, two-bit loser you are by how fast you lose your cool and how easy it is to get your goat. You're so out of control you can't wipe your own arse let alone threaten proper fist in the face violence.

When you grow into that training bra, come play with the big boys.


Well-Known Member
it mentions somthing about using sugar and shows a picture of two identical buds one using sugar and one with out in the book Marijuana Horticulture Growers Bible By Jorge Cervantes

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Which version of the book & what page?

Plants still can't use sugars as food and not a soul can produce any proper peer-reviewed botanical science that says they can. I double-dog dare ya. Go searching ye olde Google.


Uses the Rollitup profile
The picture is on page 290. The caption says yield increased 20 percent by adding sugar for the last 6 weeks.

Here is what Jorge says about sugar:

Molasses, honey, and other sugars are said to increase soil microbials, enhance regrowth, and make the plant's use of nitrogen more effective. Molasses will raise the energy level of the plant and acts as a mild fungicide. Molasses is the "secret ingredient" in many organic fertilizers.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
When you were at school, did your teacher have to explaining things to you in the same manner, as you just did? Cause i'm sure if i had to explain what you just did, i could put it across with a bit of manners.

EDIT: that statement was for a previous post that has now been deleted.
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Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Hey Jordan, if you weren't such a girls' blouse, you'd be over here swinging fists. C'mon pussy, change that tampon and have a go. 'Course, you couldn't find your arse with both hands and a torch, so I won't leave the light on for ya. :lol:

The picture is on page 290. The caption says yield increased 20 percent by adding sugar for the last 6 weeks.

Here is what Jorge says about sugar:
Molasses, honey, and other sugars are said to increase soil microbials, enhance regrowth, and make the plant's use of nitrogen more effective. Molasses will raise the energy level of the plant and acts as a mild fungicide. Molasses is the "secret ingredient" in many organic fertilizers.
'are said'? Sounds like a rumour.

'raise the energy level of the plant'? This is science?

'acts as a mild fungicide'? Wait, at the beginning of the 'graf, we were FEEDING soil (remember that S word...) microbes. Can't have it both ways.

I'll reiterate my previous statements about JC being more writer than grower. He takes commentary from individual growers and includes such in his books. This is NOT peer-reviewed botanical science, this is Chinese whispers. I want some real science that confirms these statements. JC hasn't included any.

I have lots of respect for JC, have met him a couple of times and had brief chats, but the guy is a cannabis book writer, not a full-time grower nor a horticulturalist or botanist.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
You have as much evidence to support the use of sugars as plant food as anyone has to support use of petrol as a fertiliser. Do I need to disprove the use of petrol as a fertiliser, too? :lol:


Well-Known Member
see, you don't even know why you think sugar is bad for our plants...

The following is an article I found on molasses and its use with plants. Thought others might find it useful, I did.

“Molasses and Plant Carbohydrates”
Sugars relating to plant functions for maximum economic production.
Texas Plant & Soil Lab, Inc., Texas Plant & Soil Lab (Home)

Environmental factors that affect when and how much sugar to use:
a. How much nitrate is in the soil, and plant sap (petiole test).
b. Soil moisture conditions.
c. Sunlight intensity.
d. Temperature.
e. Wind
f. Fruiting stage / load
g. Growth / vigor [shade lower leaves]

The right amount at the right time can improve fruiting and produce normal
plant growth with less attraction for disease and insects.

Needed for healthy plants - fruit production - plant development &
Roots take nutrients from the soil and transport them up the stalk thru the
petiole (stem) to the leaves where the sunlight aids the production of
photosynthates (sugars are not the ONLY product of photosynthesis)
carbohydrates (C, H & O), principally glucose (C6H12O6) and then other sugars and photosynthates are formed.

Plant Sugars and other photosynthates are first translocated (boron is essential to the translocation) to a fruiting site. If fruit is not available, the sugars, along with excess nitrates, spur the rapid vegetative growth of the plant at the expense of creating fruiting bodies (first sink) for the storage of the sugars.

Once the proper balance of environmental factors (heat units, light intensity, soil moisture, nutrient balance, etc) are met, the fruiting buds form and then fruit formation gets the first crack at the sugar supply.

Any excess sugars are then translocated to the number two sink, (growing terminals,) to speed their growth. The left-over sugars, etc. then go to the number 3 sink, (the roots,) to aid their growth. Here the new root hairs take up nutrients to help continue the cycle of sugar and other photosynthate production, fruiting, growth of terminals and roots.

- MOLASSES is probably the best outside source of many sugars, such as table sugar, corn syrup and several more complex sugars such as polysaccharides found in humus products.
- Sugar can be added to the soil in irrigation water, drip & pivot being the most effective.

In the soil it can:

- Feed microbes to stimulate the conversion of nitrates to the more efficient NH2 form of N to synthesize protein more directly by the plants.

- The roots can directly absorb some of the sugars into the sap stream to supplement the leaf supply to fruit where it is most needed, and ALSO directly feed the roots for continued productive growth.

- This ADDED sugar can also help initiate fruiting buds in a steady-slow
fashion while maintaining normal growth.

-EXCESSIVE amounts of ADDED SUGARS applied foliarly can shock the
plant resulting in shortened growth internodes, increased leaf maturity & initiation of excess fruiting sites. This can be a short term effect lasting only a few days.

Pollination, soil moisture, nutrient balance and sufficiency as well as adequate light for photosynthate production decide how much of the induced fruit can mature.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
These jokers in Texas were the ones who a few years ago were spruiking adding sugar beet processing wastes to soils. Could have something to do with the amount of sugar beet cultivation that goes on in TX.

Did you notice that all their commentary is confined to feeding microbes IN SOIL?

Plants can't use sugars as nutrients. Just because the plant produces glucose as a result of the photosynthetic process to build cellulose does NOT mean that it can make use of much more complex sugars like sucrose.

I can find similarly people who say you can run a piston engined car on water and that global warming is a hoax. Their opinions are in the extreme minority... and it's mainly because they're wrong.


Well-Known Member
like i said, ur full of it son... u cant even give me one shred of eveidence that im wrong... you are rockin me with that intellect of yours Al


Well-Known Member
iss koo baby, i aint gotta prove shit to you already know you're full of shit. tell me that any of the information i have provided lacks validity and actually prove can't. its koo, i'll let you reign supreme in this forum. its prolly all u got, besides all that weed of course. psh, loser...


Well-Known Member
this thread makes me laugh, it just you two arguing back and forth
i have to go with al though, weed uses sugar to convert into THC, but it produces this sugar threw photosynthesis and other processes. it can't uptake sugar threw it's roots
may be wrong, but what i'v learned