Sucker fish in hydroponic system


Active Member
Use "Auquaponics". It's a great idea. Use some of fish and snails in the list I gave you. Use correct water cycling.(All gallons per 24/hr) Make sure your "fish" resivour is 2x the size of your plant resivour.(As root voume will compensate for water volume as they grow) Use an aquarium filter to supply the plant resivour, and aquaruim filter to supply the fish resivour, and change filters weekly. Maintain proper PH levels. Other than that......It can be done. Why not you my friend, perhaps its a marijuana first. I support your experiment.:clap:


Active Member
i disagree on changing filters weekly. Monthly is fine. Doing it weekly will kill off too many good bacteria.

Also if you clean your filters clean them in the old water not under tap water as you want the bacteria colonies to survive.