Stupid stuff you've done while high?


Active Member
I think this thread was pretty inevitable :D

So, what really stupid stuff have you done while high?

I haven't really done anything particularly stupid, but I'll start off with one memorable (or not so...) occasion.

Anyway, I was at a party and I had had a few beers (I was by no means drunk, just at that stage where most ideas seem great and you end up doing them). So anyway, my mate produces a big bag of bud (not sure of the strain). We smoked alot, much more than we usually would. I blacked out and woke up 30 miles from my house on a bench. But, it gets weirder, one of my shoes was missing its laces. How I managed to loose the laces of my shoe I'll never know. Luckily my mate was with me or I probably would have been mugged during the night or something. Sounds like a wacky story but it did actually happen.

Anybody else want to share their experiences? :D


Active Member
Heh, that's pretty it was a huge trek home. =p

I'd say the stupidest shit I did was walking from my friends house to the shop with blunt in hand....we'd already smoked through 1/2 oz (over the course of about 8 hours)...and i'm still a lightweight anyway. The shopkeeper didn't say anything, so meh.


Well-Known Member
:leaf: Have never done much stupid stuff (unless you ask my ex) when I was high other then the time when I was toasted really hard on good bud and took all my bud/oil/hash and such and went into the woods (not far, I live in the woods) and hid it under the ground/moss.
Well I did find it after sometime the next day, and it was all ok, as it was in a water/air tight jar.

If anyone wants to try what I did to get fucked up, here goes.

1,Fire up the tourch and heat two knives..
2,Break up some bud and roll into tokes/balls and place on a clean surface to hot knife with.
3,Break up a few hits of home made hash and place them with it.
4, Roll up a joint for afterwards :bigjoint:

The knives are Red hot now, pick them up, and wait till they are just nolonger red (some call it a cold toke) and then pick up the toke (bud) and give yourself a hit. Do this 8 times.
Repeat the same thing, but use the hash now, but do only 5 hits.
Put everything away, go outside and smoke your joint now.

:eyesmoke: enjoy

The reason behind the cold toke thing, is that I was reading about how the if the temp is to hot it cuts down on the THC, something like the reason behind the varpor machine. I know it is not the same, but I found that I could taste the bud ( that night it had a nutty taste, it was willie nelson bud) better when the knife is cooler, then I do when it red hot. But hey, that is just

:joint: peace


Active Member
It doesn't take weed to make me do stupid things. For example back in England, I stepped out of my car turned around to get something out of it, swung back around in a hurry and connected directly with a lamp post and slid to the ground.

Weed makes me horny. Always has.


Active Member
So i had to go to the store to get just a few things, of course i was baked out of my mind - i was trying sooooo hard to remember the 2 or 3 items that i needed, triple checked that i had them, payed at the register - walk to my car feeling pretty damn proud of myself, then the cashier comes walking out to my car to bring me my bag of items i forgot to grab after i payed :bigjoint:


Active Member
I've done many stupid things while i was high before, unfortuantly i can't remember any of them at the moment exect this 1 account of misfortune, me, my little bro, and 1 of my friends burned 3 blunts and began looking for something to do. So we grabbed my skateboard and began walking around in my yard. Ok i want to first mention we live in the ghetto, and we have a tin roof, we noticed this quickly, and lets skate off the roof, my friend said, so i got up their and grabbed the skateboard from my friend. by this time about 10 black kids from along the street has came to see what we're doing. so i'm on top of my house with the skateboard and getting ready to ride down a tin roof, pretty sure anyone whose reading this who knows physics has already guessed what has happened. yes, i stood up the board flung from under me and off the roof hitting my friend, i fell straight backwards hitting my head, worring about only my head at the moment and not the motions of my movement i slid off the roof. Has to be 1 of the stupidest moments i had, but i came out ok, except a bump on the back of my head. good times are always high times.


Active Member
Stupidest thing was smoking & getting paranoid
Smoked some jamaican yard weed and hoped on the Train home paranoid that cop would smell the weed on me
I put my walk man on and it takes a while b4 it starts to play
the intro starts with a rapper talking 2 u & when it started i got startled and started looking around to see who it was but then realized it was my walkman


Active Member
I guess the funniestt thing i did was climb onto the roof of a near by school with my friends in the winter we rolled up a 6 gram joint, it was an evil looking thing none the less it got me fucked up and i got up to stretch and noticed that i had begun moving.... i thought i was really stoend so i didnt think mcuh of it at the time until i realized i was really moving sliding on the ice on the roof.. any how i slid righ off the damn roof.. luckaly there was a good sized pile of snow on the ground which broke my fall but it gets worse.. after recovering from the fall i looked up and there was a cop and some weird lookin security gurad just looking at me like i was some weird beeing.. soo i gfot arrested and charged with tressspasing on private property and my friends screwed off shortly after.. It was a really odd trip all i remember was laughing at the cop because of the way he looked at me. Odd yet tru



Active Member
I would say the weirdest thing i have done would be having a jamacian shower. Then after i finished up i went into the shower with my socks still on and ended up falling and hurting my back. Tho i was hurt i could still laugh at myself......trippy


Well-Known Member
yeh you wanna kno what, it was new years eve 2006 my buddy dave just came back with about 2 ozs of some good rock hard crystally nugget, (stolen) we partied hard at my current gf cassies and drank n smoked blunts from about 3 till midnite all the weed we brought was gone except the 10 gram bud i finally convinced him to give me. i was stuck between a rock and a hard place on the one hand cassie wanted me to stay at her house with no bud and no alcohol,and on the other hand dave wanted me to go to his house and hang with lotsa buds and beer, what do you think i chose, so she got mad called me gay, i got pissed left and told her to fuck off me and dave had to walk home in the snow about 2 miles. even at this point i was still just great i had a 10 gram fuckin nugget stashed in my jacket, or so i thought we left laughin n fuckin around ready to smoke a bowl or a j-bone or anything and we didnt have the nugget... i called and asked but she said she hadnt seen it, it was lost omg i will never forgive myself, im going to hell. the biggist nugget i ever had and i lost it


Well-Known Member
yeh you wanna kno what, it was new years eve 2006 my buddy dave just came back with about 2 ozs of some good rock hard crystally nugget, (stolen) we partied hard at my current gf cassies and drank n smoked blunts from about 3 till midnite all the weed we brought was gone except the 10 gram bud i finally convinced him to give me. i was stuck between a rock and a hard place on the one hand cassie wanted me to stay at her house with no bud and no alcohol,and on the other hand dave wanted me to go to his house and hang with lotsa buds and beer, what do you think i chose, so she got mad called me gay, i got pissed left and told her to fuck off me and dave had to walk home in the snow about 2 miles. even at this point i was still just great i had a 10 gram fuckin nugget stashed in my jacket, or so i thought we left laughin n fuckin around ready to smoke a bowl or a j-bone or anything and we didnt have the nugget... i called and asked but she said she hadnt seen it, it was lost omg i will never forgive myself, im going to hell. the biggist nugget i ever had and i lost it


Well-Known Member
don't rember the whole night. it started with smoking a tampon joint. that is a joint rolled in a tampon paper. well i blacked out after it was smoked. woke up the next day in my freind's sister's bedstill want to know what the hell went on that night. hope i had fun. also hope i didn't get akid from that night


Well-Known Member
this is not something that i did but my freind did. he went out drinking then got baked. he went to the down town post office. then he proseed to get naked.they found his close & walet in the post office. lucky for him the baggy he left was empty. he made it all the way home with out ne close on walking about a mile.didn't get caught by a cop. luck was on his side that night. he did get chewed out the next day by his parents. its bad to get chewed out when you are over 40


Man, good stories, each one of em made me laugh!

So for me, one stupid thing I did when I got faded was I headed to work on one of my days off, picked up my paycheck and drove to the bank to cash it, then I called my buddy so I could pick up an 8th and have a session before I enjoy some time off from work. So he met me in a parking lot down the street from my house and I got into his car, he gave me the sack, and we smoked a few bowls, then I drove home, passed out for about 3 hours, then woke up and my sister told me somebody found my wallet in a parking lot. So I freaked, because I had just cashed my check, probably like $300 in the wallet. Luckily she was one of the nice ones and called me back to report it, which I thought was awesome. Worked out pretty well.

This one's probably stupider...

Drove all the way from California to Arkansas higher than a kite with over 1/4 on me, 2 bongs, a pipe, and countless I didn't realize the penalties other states (outside of Cali) hand out like candy just for some Mary Jane...


Active Member
dumbest thing i did was a wake and bake. I woke up, smoked a bowl, then headed off to school. In class my high ass volunteered to do this thing in front of the class where i had to be blindfolded and feel the texture and shape of things to identify them. Nothing more fun that indentifying cheezits high


Active Member
I had particularly bad experience that started alright and got terrible over the course of 5 hours.

My Dad was out of town and me and a friend had to work on a project about women's rights. My dad said we could be in the house until 9pm, but then my grandmother was going to lock up and we would have to finish the project later. Well being stoners, and pretty inteligent if I do say so we decided that if we had all the research done we could make the project high...well a third friend who showed up decided this(he didn't have to do the project) me and the other project maker agreed. We also aquired a Pom bottle, pomerganite juice, that had a cool shape and we wanted to make it into a bong. We did the project in shifts and I made a godly homemade bong. We started smoking some dank bud and thats when the bad shit started. Fisrt the guy who didn't have to do the project says, "holy shit what was that!" I reply "what? What color was it?" he than says, "Red and it was huge, it covered all the light outside the door!" I have those little windows that are for decoration by the door to my house. I reply with what I felt made sense,"Shit my grandma's here early!" It was only 8pm...So we pack all our shit up and we start driving to the non-project friends house, he says we can't and that we need t just find a place to park for a while. So we did, we parked in front of a house that was under construction, we figured no one would be in it since it was half built. But, a security guard was assigned to watch the house...He drove up to use shined a flashlight in my face and had me roll down the window. He asked us what we were doing and in a totaly blitzed voice i barely stammered and practically yelled,"we are going to his house!" We were parked, and had been for a few minutes, he even saw us pull in and do all this. We were sure we were fucked. We hauled ass to my friend's and we just ran to a back family room and crashed on various sofas and chairs...we stayed still for about 4 hours all of us freaking out, I also decided to turn off my cell phone, which my girlfriend wasd trying to reac me on...finally we went to beds and slept, we woke up still shakey, but pretty ok. I turned on my cell phone and I had about 35 messages...some angry, some, concerned, but after a few mostly angry. My girlfriend thought i was dead, or really hurt...I call and check in to say good night every night, but being so freaked out i didn't...long story short we freaked out, got and A+, and I still have the same girlfirend...scary shit though, almost made one of my friends quit


Well-Known Member
lol this is a good one ive done..

I also had done a wake and bake.. of course before school, and i had some shroom tea that my friend had given me (I didnt know how to make it, until a day ago when i got silvers recipe). I descided over the course of the day (during school) i was going to get baked, on a trip throughout the day from shrooms, inside the blunt i smoked i laced it with Zanax or however you spell it, and, i popped 10 triple C's, so im on the bus, two water bottles of shroom tea, having no idea what im doing, i arrive at school, go to my first class, and half of my first bottle of tea gone atleast, so im like flipping out (or so my friends told me) having one of the greatest trips of my life, and i passed out, and around 5 in the evening i wake inside of a hospital.. wtf.... they said they couldnt figure out what was going on with me and i was ok now, they didnt drug test me cuz my parents dont even have a clue i toke, and i got to stay home the next day


Well-Known Member
don't rember the whole night. it started with smoking a tampon joint. that is a joint rolled in a tampon paper. well i blacked out after it was smoked. woke up the next day in my freind's sister's bedstill want to know what the hell went on that night. hope i had fun. also hope i didn't get akid from that night

smoking bud rolled up in a tampon paper.......well that takes the cake there.......who or why came up (did a google search and it seems that many like this) with this and do they live in country, war zone where it is cheaper to use tampon papers then to roll it with normal smoking (non-toxic) papers?



Well-Known Member
lol this is a good one ive done..

I also had done a wake and bake.. of course before school, and i had some shroom tea that my friend had given me (I didnt know how to make it, until a day ago when i got silvers recipe). I descided over the course of the day (during school) i was going to get baked, on a trip throughout the day from shrooms, inside the blunt i smoked i laced it with Zanax or however you spell it, and, i popped 10 triple C's, so im on the bus, two water bottles of shroom tea, having no idea what im doing, i arrive at school, go to my first class, and half of my first bottle of tea gone atleast, so im like flipping out (or so my friends told me) having one of the greatest trips of my life, and i passed out, and around 5 in the evening i wake inside of a hospital.. wtf.... they said they couldnt figure out what was going on with me and i was ok now, they didnt drug test me cuz my parents dont even have a clue i toke, and i got to stay home the next day passed out at school, wow I wouldn't have even went to school if I was going to do all that; i think next time you want to do some mushroom tea, you should just try the tea alone with some weed, maybe fast (miss a meal) some before you take some tea, and lay off the Zanax, and other pills (stick with the natural stuff).

You want to enjoy the trip, not pass out like before...hehe...also try just doing it on a week-end or skip a day off school (if nothing big is happening that day) or after school........that way if you are really high, you can just chill out without the worry of teachers dragging you off or calling the police.
