stupid question I know!


Active Member
So as the title says, I have a stupid question, but can't seem to find any answers. I have yet another bag seed hermying on me, but I wonder if I can use something like liquid skin to seal the sacs closed so they can't pop...any ideas?


Well-Known Member
No but pinch the damned things off. Is it your only plant? Pinch them way early too. The second you see one. The bigger they get the more prone to unloading they are.


Active Member
ya I've been pinching them off, but I just thought maybe I could seal them up and not worry about them. It's not my only plant, but it's soo nice that I hate to just toss it ya know. I have a grapefruit at 7 weeks, and 2 others at 2 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's a stupid question. An ingenious attempt to solve an irritating problem is what I see. Can't see it working though, that pollen will get out no matter what.


Active Member
hahah thanks bigby! I'm just gonna get anal on this fucker and check er daily for but what'dya do? it just looks to nice to throw!