stupid newbie leaf quesie?


ok not that i have a problem im just wondering how many 'mini leafs' a mj plant should have on one of its leaves, im sure you get what i mean from mini leaves, just dont know any other way to say it. just there are 9 'mini leaves' on my upper WW leaves, im guessing this is normal, its just the usual 5 star pics of mj leaves that hav put me off.

hmm while i have yous here, also, just got me thinking my seedman WW grows perfect even leaves, regardless of light position, just trunk bends to follow centre of light if its slightly off. but by BLZ bud plant well the tips of the leaves bend towards the source of the light, and the ones closest to the screw in fixture of the bulb grow longer while those pointing in the oppossite direction going away from the tip of the globe stay shorter. i even turned the whole plant around so the leaves pointing towards the plug in point of the globe were pointing aweay from it and the next day they were back pointing towards the plug in end. just interesting plant "behavior" if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Its normal.
I've got 11 fingers on one plant I grew.

Some strains move more toward the light than others.
If the tips of the leaves curl up (or down) it says there's some deficiency, look it up, I can't remember what it was.


Well-Known Member
Realy all depend's on the strain,i have had 10 fingered leave's but on other strain's i have had 7 finger's.Has long has the plant look's healthy then don't worry about it,you realy don't want to be worrying about how many fingers a leaf has you should be looking more into the coulour of the leaf.The coulour of a leaf can tell you a hell of alot about the plant,and if there is any underlineing problem's.......tyke..........
Plants can do weird things, like 6 blade leaves [pic 1]
And going from single blade leaves to 5 blade leaves (skipping the 3 blade leaves) [pic 2].

But as long as it's green, who cares about mutant developments.

