stupid lies your DARE counselor told you about pot (and other drugs)


Active Member
k well
extasy does put holes in ur brain
acid is what makes ur brain bleed onto your spinal cord and i dont know about herione but ya....
I think Bill O' Reilly got another one :wall:

it is so dumb to fall for an obviously false medical myth when all you have to do is google it. Stoners are getting too fucking lazy. :sad:


Well-Known Member
I only tried other drugs when I couldn't find any pot. The war on weed was my gateway drug.
Lol exactly! Same thing with me I woulda stuck to weed but once I get dry I'll try anything that's fairly safe.

Notice how DARE people only go to middle schools or lower? Probably because anyone older has already tried weed (or some other drug) and knows the real shit...I would have loved to call a DARE person out on their bs:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thats great ! I was scared into believing If you smoke marijuana the devil rips your soul apart and you don't get invited to heaven!

jesus christ church confession was scary until i learned Lying to priests is fun! :)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha probably did didn't you know there cousins? lol but just imagine you'd never get hungry and you have a lifetime supply of yourself lol
lol hell yeah when I was younger I'd always think about how cool it would be to be made out of chocolate or gummy bears you could just eat your hand whenever you're hungry.:-P I think I was born high lol.


New Member
When my kids were younger the DARE pigs would come to their school and pass around a bag of weed for all the kids to look at. Once in a while there'd be that slow kid that would say their parents had that stuff.

They'd show off bongs, pipes and other whatnot as well. I think my kids learned more about drugs and how to do them from the cops than they did their peers.

My daugheter was just talking about that bag of weed thing the other day. She said if she knew then what she knows now she'd of snagged a big ole bud outta that bag. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think Bill O' Reilly got another one :wall:

it is so dumb to fall for an obviously false medical myth when all you have to do is google it. Stoners are getting too fucking lazy. :sad:
haha thank youu !
seriously, whenever i tell someone that i like doing ecstasy once a month or even tripping on acid every once in a blue moon they freak out and tell me that im going to have irreparible brain damage soon, i just cant wait until people finnaly realize that they cant trust everything that the ogvenrment says


New Member
haha thank youu !
seriously, whenever i tell someone that i like doing ecstasy once a month or even tripping on acid every once in a blue moon they freak out and tell me that im going to have irreparible brain damage soon, i just cant wait until people finnaly realize that they cant trust everything that the ogvenrment says

Back in my 20's I used to love to do acid. I have an IQ of 140 right now. There goes that "brain damage" theory.


Active Member
So here is a little thing to think about. Why is it okay to take pills from a pharmaseutical company that were made in a lab by man to make you happy, but it is not ok to ingest a natural plant that was put here by the maker? things that make you go hum!!!


New Member
So here is a little thing to think about. Why is it okay to take pills from a pharmaseutical company that were made in a lab by man to make you happy, but it is not ok to ingest a natural plant that was put here by the maker? things that make you go hum!!!

Marijuana is illegal because billionares want to remain billionares.

A medicinal plant that is easily grown and available at little to no cost being used as medicine by the masses...... :-o

No way, it's all about PROFITS and POWER........:weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't even like to think about this makes me angry to the point of being unhealthy