stunted plant, do i clip these?


Active Member
these two plants had a bit of a shitty soil issue
i feel bad cause im a new grower and didnt realize how terrible the soil was
but i got the babies new soil and they are looking better already its just that most of their very first set of leaves are yellow and crusty and then the tips of some of the other leaves are yellowish
there are pics attached

my question is should i clip them off?
would it help the plant start new growth faster?



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. those leaves aren't going to do any harm by leaving them alone.. they just look bad right now.. once the next set s of leaves come in they will shrivel and fall off anyway, no sence in adding stress if you don't have to.


Well-Known Member
Take off all the bad growth just clip it back to the stem.Then get some water ph it at 5.0/5.5 and flush the crap out of this plant.Leave it for a week or so to dry out then get your hands on some multithrive add 1 drop per litre.1 ml per ltr don't sound alot but this stuff is god send to young plants.New growth when it very first comes trough can look yellow but then should turn a nice lush green.