stunted growth yellowed leaves turning white


i have had them growing for 8 weeks and they are only 12" tall at the most some are less
i used coco and a part nutruient soil 50/50 mix
i also added a little ( quite a small amount in comparison of bat guano which i strongly believe is my main problem)

i have now flushed several times in one session
because iwas having higher ec readings as the water came through the pot and ran off.

here are my specs.

ph 7.5 out of tap
ec 0.5 out of tap.

water with correctly dosed tomatoe food in after 1 day to help settle ph was

ph 7.1
ec 3.0

once the food was applied to the plants it ran off with the following results

ph 5.9
ec 3.0

after the plants in the pots where flushed i tested the run off water and found that the results where

ph 6.2
ec 2.0

i am fairly new to this , but feel as if i have a concentration of specific minerals in the soild due to the bat guano . im hoping the rinsing has helped.

i have not fed the plants since they where thoroughly rinsed.

should i go back to feeding them ?

if my theory is correct then a mi right in saying i should get a nitrogen feed only and not a mix for a week or two as the leaves where very yellow and some went white even untill i reduced the light levels somewhat.

i never fed the plants hardly at all and the problems set in way before i gave them a feed . they had 2 mild feeds of the tomatoe plant food with little change in appearance toth eleaves althoguh i did notice a responce only just prior to the flushing as its very subtle its been hard to spot but the leaves generally did pick up alittle.

also i should mention that on a few of the plants the lower leaves had turned a brownish speckle/blotch pattern . some leaf tips went dry brown and curled under but not many at all.

i hope i have included enough details for a diagnosis.



i made a error

water with correctly dosed tomatoe food in after 1 day to help settle ph was

ph 7.1
ec 1.6 -------- and not 3.0
What were you giving it before this? It looks like it has many deficiencies. N, Mg, Ca, Fe, etc.......

So why are you flushing it? To remove the build-up of solids? This plant is not very old to have a build-up of salts. Tell me more so we can work this out. You need to cure the deficiencies.


ok, well ile feed very soon , i was on chat room and was told the ph is ok but i was troubeled by the fact that i had higher ec readings coming out than going in and knowing its better to give less than more.

ive been looking hard for days to find a chart for ratios on feed and transitions in growth cycle.

as i have test equipment i really should be making the most of it.

any support is much appreciated.


What were you giving it before this? It looks like it has many deficiencies. N, Mg, Ca, Fe, etc.......

So why are you flushing it? To remove the build-up of solids? This plant is not very old to have a build-up of salts. Tell me more so we can work this out. You need to cure the deficiencies.
hi, ive fed them and they are growing but still very off colour.

temps 75 and humidity 55% under 1kw @ 2 feet above the plants .
not sure what else to add as im fairly new to this.

i have the want to check for ppm but im not sure about what levels i should feed them, i was told 800 in veg just the other day in chat.
im using bio vega i think its called or it may be called canna vega .

i really need direction with amounts and how to rebalance these plants nutritionally.

thanks for any help.