strip nc??


Active Member
well i got accepted from a job much earlier than expected and i have to go take a piss test on monday bright and early....the thing that sux is i smoked earlier today before i got the call! i am a daily user but sometimes i dont even smoke a gram all day........i saw this stuff from GNC online called "Strip NC".....anyone ever heard of it or taken it?? any results?? i know this has nothin to do with growing but i figured this was the best place to ask a question like this......thanks its appreciated


New Member
i heard that taking aspiring a few hours before ur drug test helps block the stuff out when u piss u just have to look it up on the internet

also sweating a lot if ur best choice


Smoky McPot
I drank that stuff one time bc i thought i had to get tested but i didnt end up gettting tested haha, i had fruit punch and it was thick and gross. ANother trick is go to a drugstore and buy some niacin, if you take bunch of those and overdose, your system will be clean the next day. The reason i say the next day is because you ill want to do this at night bc the side effect of overdosing on niacin is that your whole body feels sunburnt as fuck. So u want to take them and then fall asleep as fast as possible. But i believe its non-toxic but check and take a bunch but not too much, whatever that means, like 15-20 of the 5g


Active Member
fuck i hate sunburns lol but if it works its well worth it.....ive been drinkin a lot of water the past couple days and i may try chugging vinegar the night before....ive heard that works quite well.......dam drug tests, so stupid......its not like im gonna get blazed everyday before work.....wut do my personal activities have anything to do with my performance or responsibility at work? fuckin government......


New Member
lol u r wasting ur time drinking vinegar.........water doesnt clean out ur system it just makes u piss out water when u drink alot and vinegar just sounds wrong


Active Member
words of advice, look at the ingredients if it has niacin in it will make you hot as shit and red as a lobster! it suck's and don't help


Active Member
The ONLY way to beat the test as a daily user is to drink LOTS of water a couple of hours before the the test and pee several times before you give your sample. A very dilute sample MAY not register any THC, but the chances are that you will come up positive regardless of what you do. We all know that THC is fat-soluble, and that is why it take 2-3 weeks to leech out of your fat cells. Drinking a lot of coffee along with the water will help, caffeine is a diuretic, and will help you pee more to dilute your urine a little quicker. Don't waste your money on anything that claims to "flush your system", they are all bullshit.

BTW, I'm a Lab Tech, anf have run the GC-mass Spec analyzers that they will be testing your urine on for ten years. You can't fool them, all you can do is make your urine as close to water as your kidneys can get it, and you do that by drinking water, LOTS of water (a gallon over the course of a couple of hours before the test). You may get the shits after drinking that much water, but it's not serious. It's like when you oferwater your plants, the extra comes out the drain holes (which in this case is your ass!!!)

Good luck, and drink up!


New Member
drinking a lot of water causes your piss to be diluted, most places know when some one is diluting thier piss... but there is a pill callled vitamin b52 that turns ur piss back to yellow when u drink a lot of water


Active Member
a lot of water it is then.....i have no choice but to take the word of a lab tech lol......i have been drinkin water but ill make sure to drink atleast a gallon b4 the test.......also, i have good metabolism and im not sure if im correct but doesnt that mean my body will flush out faster than others?? i dont have much body fat lol........i'll keep you all posted.....wish me luck!


Active Member
ps....ur the man if u smoke mad weed and u analyze ppl's piss to see if they do drugs......u sneaky bastard!!! :weed:


Active Member
ps....ur the man if u smoke mad weed and u analyze ppl's piss to see if they do drugs......u sneaky bastard!!! :weed:
Yea, but I do feel shitty every time I report out a positive THC. But hell, I didn't tell these people to pick a job that drug tests, and I didn't make the laws. If I made the laws.... well we all know that I'd legalize, and I'd make it illegal for your employer to snoop in on what you do on your off-time.


Active Member
do u get drug tested for ur drug testing job?? kinda cool if u could analyze ur own piss.....pass urself without a doubt


Active Member
do u get drug tested for ur drug testing job?? kinda cool if u could analyze ur own piss.....pass urself without a doubt
LOL! Na, I wouldn't work for a company that wanted to invade my privacy like that. I'm feelin you though, I did have one dude call me and offer to pay me to pass him. Too bad I would lose my license or I could make some money on the side that way!


The ONLY way to beat the test as a daily user is to drink LOTS of water a couple of hours before the the test and pee several times before you give your sample. A very dilute sample MAY not register any THC, but the chances are that you will come up positive regardless of what you do. We all know that THC is fat-soluble, and that is why it take 2-3 weeks to leech out of your fat cells. Drinking a lot of coffee along with the water will help, caffeine is a diuretic, and will help you pee more to dilute your urine a little quicker. Don't waste your money on anything that claims to "flush your system", they are all bullshit.

BTW, I'm a Lab Tech, anf have run the GC-mass Spec analyzers that they will be testing your urine on for ten years. You can't fool them, all you can do is make your urine as close to water as your kidneys can get it, and you do that by drinking water, LOTS of water (a gallon over the course of a couple of hours before the test). You may get the shits after drinking that much water, but it's not serious. It's like when you oferwater your plants, the extra comes out the drain holes (which in this case is your ass!!!)

Good luck, and drink up!
not trying to argue, but i was on two years felony probation and was subject to drug tests. i finally found this stuff called "test'n" by Kokapelli & Spike (, i believe). its like a three day process w/diet and water intake instructions, but it supposedly strips your system of all "pollutants", to the point where you have to take a multivitamin (thats the third day) b/c you dont even have vitamins in your piss! it doesnt just cover up the toxins, have tested myself days later and still clean, by "normal standards" i should have been dirty for a good three weeks, if done naturally, so obviously it did something. do you know anything about this or can you look into it, would like to know if/how it really works. thanks slowtoka.


Active Member
I took that shit mad times and it never worked. Water is the way to go, yes it may come back diluted but hey its not positive. Most jobs will view a diluted test as a pos and some will actually give you another shot at it.