street lights?


Well-Known Member
yep, dont want to have them under these lights they are very commonly hps like said. i read a story recently of someone getting caught planting weed in a planter that hangs under those lights. had the city watering for them for a while haha


Well-Known Member
get a high powered pellet gun and fix it yourself :) if you're lucky the city won't replace it until your cycle is over! I realize it's not the most ethical solution. But and effective one!
Dammit. That's fuckery =( I hope they don't keep some of my babies from flowering bc they're about 10,15 feet away from the light and idk about the shooting out the bulb idea lol too big of a risk for me...but if all else fails it leaves me no other options but to shoot it =/


Well-Known Member
Might as well go ahead and shoot it. Or atleast climb a ladder and unscrew it to where it's not connected. Street lights will fuck up the 12/12 no doubt. :-?


Active Member
now could you steal the lights out of the street lights..... and use them??
Yeah, I think about this all the time when they service the lights. The city was putting one up the other day and left the new light in pieces right on the sidewalk for a few days.

shooot that freggin thing are you kidding me??? waste of a thread really... shoot first ask questions later...!!!! lol.... j/k very real queston...

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
If your plants are only 15 feet away, you gotta block that light somehow. But shooting it might attract donut eaters....


Well-Known Member
Wonder how easy it will be to see your plants from a 25 foot ladder when they replace that busted light?


Active Member
My green house gets slammed by an hps streetlight. I'm gonna plant a tree to try to block it but I'll have cover the house daily most likely this season. Not looking forward to that. Can't shoot it out because they will see my operation when they're up there fixing it. I was thinking of using a pole and sticking something up on the side facing my house by I don't know how hot it gets.


Active Member
I contacted the city department of public works today and they said they can paint the section facing my house. I guess other people in the neighborhood have already had this done. You might want to try that.


Well-Known Member
No you can not... You grow with a HPS(high pressure sodium), Street lights use LPS(low pressure sodium). Now you know, because knowledge is power. LOL


Really? Cause I started out using an old Street Light. Worked its way threw 1 1/2 grow cycles before changing to a 400watt. It was only 250wat.. Even wierder is when I purchase bulbs, I used HPS bulbs... Don't know where you came up with your shit but......