Strategy for small qty growing?


I would like to grow enough for my self only. I would be happy if I got a minimum of 3-4oz per year.
I will be starting from seeds (have not bought them yet). I'm researching growing before I buy any seeds.

Here is my understanding of growing.
Germinate seeds
Plant seeds and let the plants do the vegetative growth.
Once the plants get to the flowering stage you can tell which are male or female.
You get rid of the males and let the females bloom.
you take cuttings from the mother plants and grow them to make clones.
Once the clones mature, that's what you harvest/cure/smoke.

It seems that's the way for large production growing. I wouldn't see any bud to smoke for 6 months and would need separate grow chambers with different light cycles. (I don't have a lot of room for that) At most, I have enough room for 3 mature plants.
The other way I can see is to let the mother/female plants mature and smoke that, and start over with new seeds, but that seems expensive to me.
Should I let a male mature so i can make my own seeds?

Or is there a better way.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You should be able to get much more than 3-4 oz with only one grow if you have three plants and decent lighting. So then you would only be doing one grow per year and I don't really see a point in cloning then. There's quality seeds out there in ten packs for $35. Say an extra $15 for shipping, that's $50 per year with a couple seeds left over. Doesn't seem too expensive that way.


Well-Known Member
Dont understand, why would you want low qty? low lumens, small pot, early flowering all contribute to a small plant


Cool, thanks.

So I should germinate 5 seeds, get rid of males and the females should get me enough bud for the year?

I want small quantities as I don't plan on selling any thing I don't smoke.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I would need to know a few other factors before telling you that you will for sure get 3-4 oz with one grow. What kind of lighting do you plan on using? What are the exact dimensions of your growspace? What strain do you plan to grow? Are you growing soil/hydro/aero? All important considerations. If you chose the right strain, grow medium, lighting, and have enough space, you can yield 3-4 oz easy from a single plant if properly managed. So if that is the case then yes, 5 seeds should be enough. But if you're planning to use 80 watts of CFL or something weak like that for lighting then no amount of seeds will reach your goal.


Well-Known Member
I would like to grow enough for my self only. I would be happy if I got a minimum of 3-4oz per year.
I will be starting from seeds (have not bought them yet). I'm researching growing before I buy any seeds.

Here is my understanding of growing.
Germinate seeds
Plant seeds and let the plants do the vegetative growth.
Once the plants get to the flowering stage you can tell which are male or female.
You get rid of the males and let the females bloom.
you take cuttings from the mother plants and grow them to make clones.
Once the clones mature, that's what you harvest/cure/smoke.

It seems that's the way for large production growing. I wouldn't see any bud to smoke for 6 months and would need separate grow chambers with different light cycles. (I don't have a lot of room for that) At most, I have enough room for 3 mature plants.
The other way I can see is to let the mother/female plants mature and smoke that, and start over with new seeds, but that seems expensive to me.
Should I let a male mature so i can make my own seeds?

Or is there a better way.

you are slightly jumbled up

germinate seeds

you can plant seeds and wait until they mature to sex, or you can take cuts and flower the cuts to find sex (most plants will show sex regardless of photoperiod when they mature)

once they sex, regardless of method, cull all males if you don't want seeds and bloom the females

since you seem uninterested with having more than once space for pot you could reveg the most potent female you have

after you harvest your first crop to find out which seed is best and reveg that plant, you can start going perpetual


Well-Known Member
u want bud as soon as possible? buy seeds veg for 3-4 weeks, take 2-4 clones from each one while lolipopping the hopeful mothers. label which plant each clone is from. throw the *mothers* into flower and kill the males and their clones. then when the mother females are done flowering your clones should be ready to get thrown into flower while taking more clones while lolipopping them like b4. those clones will be ready to repeat the cycle and so on. dont start from seed each time. perpetual clones are the way to go


mared juwan:

The space is section of a low slope attic above my garage. From floor to peak it's 4', but once I get the lights in and factoring in pots, I will really have just over 2' of grow hight. 3' deep and 6' wide. I plan on getting 4x40watt 4' T12 Philips aquarium and plant fluorescent lights. and a couple of CFL's. Soil grow. I think I will be getting the Northern Lights #5 strain.


interesting, what is "reveg", can the plants actualy revert to the vegetative growth if put on veg light cycle?


Whats "lolipopping"?

Actually I'l do a search on those terms.

Thanks for the help guys.


New Member
You decide when ur plant flowers, but also you want to take cuttings for clones before the plant goes into flower. After that you can eliminate the male if any.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK NL#5 is good choice. Dank bud but also good yielder. But only having 2 ft of plant height is a big problem. You're gonna have a real hard time keeping the plants that short. Don't worry about lollipopping, that is a strategy for taller plants. If you grow from seed you will need a few weeks veg before flowering which means you plants will already be more than half of your total height. Definitely look into LST methods. This is where you bend the branches over sideways to keep the height down. Even with two feet of height if you manage properly with the LST then the 3-4 oz should be doable. On the other hand if you go the clone route then you can flower as soon as the clones root, keeping the overall height down. The reveg thing is possible but it takes a long time for a fully flowered plant to start veg growth again. Like at least a month, probably more. Just remember the more light you can get the easier it is to get more yield.