Strange Leaves?!?! Pics...


Active Member
The temps are variable 18-24C and I'm using Plagron organic nutrients. I make the portions recommended by the producer. PH 5.5/6.5. The Cooltube is 35cm away. May be i must flush it?


Active Member
I am having the same with a plant of mine. I have no idea what's causing it. I'm also using an organic-based soil medium, 4wks into flowering, i am using a 400W HPS.

Are your leaves also going slightly crispy? Some of mine are brittle and crispy... WTF?!?


Active Member
I am having the same with a plant of mine. I have no idea what's causing it. I'm also using an organic-based soil medium, 4wks into flowering, i am using a 400W HPS.

Are your leaves also going slightly crispy? Some of mine are brittle and crispy... WTF?!?
Exactly! Not too crispy, but yes, they are. How long did you veg your plant?
I did veg mine for a couple of months (5-6). I can't remember accurately. May be this is a problem, they're too old ?!?!
Please guys, give us any advice kiss-ass
Now they are in night period but I'm going to post more pics tomorrow.


Active Member
I have been alternating between distilled water and tap water. Recently i may have been giving more tap water, which last time i checked has a pH of around 8... Could it be the ppm of the tap water or something in the water that is affecting the pH of the soil maybe? I'll consistently use only distilled water and see if that helps. Anyone know about Dolomite Lime and if it works? It's supposed to neutralise the pH of a soil based growing medium..

I vegged mine for about 6wks before flowering. They're small and bushy. Only 1 of 4 is displaying these curled and crisp leaves. Could it be a result of a plant being root-bound?


Active Member
8 is to high of a pH i thnk, i would reccomend getting some pH down and getting it at a constant level.
im new to growing and my plant also had brittle leaves, it was due to not enough water. i found this out by flushing it.
my advice is to flush it with pH balenced water. that way if its nute burn it will take care of that and if its underwaterd it will take care of that.
hope this helps you out a bit

growin tall

Active Member
From what I can figure out from researching on the net, and my own plants showing the same symptoms, it is caused by excess or insufficient nitrogen. If your leaves are very dark green its probably excess, if yellowish insufficient nitrogen. Flush and go to one half nutrients until the problem is fixed or increase if your plants are yellowing a little. Thats what i am doing for mine and I am also going to switch to lower nitrogen nute for the next grow.


Active Member
Hmm i would say excess Nitrogen could well be it. Combined with low humidity. I've had an average humidity of 30% throughout the grow, which is a little low. And my leaves have been very dark green on the plant that's showing these symptoms. Thanks for the responses! =)


New Member
i have asked alot of people about this and it always gets a diffrent answer, most people have said its just the strain and not to worry, they are after all weeds,


Active Member
Its a mostly sativa strain. Its normal.. does anyone actually know what they are talking about in these forums or is everyone with newbie advice posting their guesses... You're only misleading other growers. If you don't know don't post.

If they are yellow and that way its too hot and maybe also missing sufficient N.