strange head feeling 2c-i


Well-Known Member
tried 2c-i out the other night, around 14.5-15 mg in solution. went well, did some MXE on the tail end of the trip as it wasnt that intense and just relaxed.

the next day my friend wanted to trip and we did 20mg each in capsules (i know i shouldnt have done it 2 days in a row, irresponsible?)

the trip was going well for me, then we smoked a pinky sized J. after that i was feeling really wrecked and started getting this weird sensation in my head/brain.

felt like a popping/crackle/clicking noise inside my brain and was annoying the fuck out of me. then i felt a sensation in my sinuses (my paranoia was thinking it was blood filling up in my sinuses behind my nose) and i was starting to think i was on my way to an aneurysm or something. very top of my head had a weird pressure to it.

on my way home i was thinking that this was maybe the onset of an OD and started thinking about death and stuff, i didnt want to go out like home, had a bad trip for a while longer, ate some food. the brain feeling continued- forced myself to go to sleep and hope for the best.. anyone else experience anything at all like this? (the brain crackle?) really worried me:evil:


Well-Known Member
that shit is horrible its a rc for a reason and no test have been done on human beings so why would someone take the worst shit ever. acid coke and mdma is all 1000 times better for you than and 2C's. my friends gf took 2 hits of some and kept acting weird and not knowing where she was. and other worst happen but i will leave it at that!


Well-Known Member
that shit is horrible its a rc for a reason and no test have been done on human beings so why would someone take the worst shit ever. acid coke and mdma is all 1000 times better for you than and 2C's. my friends gf took 2 hits of some and kept acting weird and not knowing where she was. and other worst happen but i will leave it at that!

sir are you here to help or sling crap at things you dont know?

the 2c's actually have a long history of use hence 2c-b being scheduled but honestly please dont say things like that

if your freinds willing to take something wiht out knowing how their own body reacts to it at a allergen level thats their fault

you lumping acid (which in my knowledge is STILL a RC tech) coke and mdma all together saying their much better for you than a 2c?

how many 2c whores do you see compared to coke whores

if you dont even know what these substances are in the first place you shouldnt be advising people what or what NOT to take

psychedelics ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE!


Well-Known Member
i know it's an RC and theres no test's done on it. there are drugs out there that are considered 'safer' as they've been used for quite some time with medical studies and such (mdma) - but i didnt post this to hear all that. was posting because i was curious if anyone had any physical effects similiar to mine o_O to each there own


Well-Known Member
i know it's an RC and theres no test's done on it. there are drugs out there that are considered 'safer' as they've been used for quite some time with medical studies and such (mdma) - but i didnt post this to hear all that. was posting because i was curious if anyone had any physical effects similiar to mine o_O to each there own
exactly and from my research i havent had such effects my suggestion is to make sure your vendor is sending you quality product if not change the vendor frying 3 days in a row of it has been done with out problem besides changing the vendor id say maybe its a slight allergic response


Well-Known Member
the vendor reports all say the product is quality and no one has had any complaints with said product. perhaps a reaction with the MXE use during the week? who knows really =D all i can say is i'll try again next time and stick to the smaller doses and see if theres any strange feelings again


Well-Known Member
hrmm the mxe i wouldnt think would have a effect as it was on the tail end and its at the nmda receptor but again ive never mixed these 2 so you may have something there but yah stick to lower dosage with out the mxe and try and see if you have any allergic responces


Well-Known Member
Your fine. Don't worry about it. My dogs done it twice in a row, more than that dose. Then gone on to do it more that week, at sixteen y/o. You'll be good, it's not dangerous unless you got a dirty batch. Only get it from trustworthy vendors.
When I did 2c-i it started to hurt my head about halfway through the trip...

I dont have a desire to try it again. Just 2c-e


I love 2ci my self but i havent seen her in a couple years i wonder if she still the same as she was ....brain crakle i think u were just trippin man and was focusing to much on that could have just been your ears poped or somthing normal and it felt wierd cause u were high u know ...


Well-Known Member
I've never felt it, thats kinda weird though.. Sometimes if I am tripping and I smoke, I only get like one effect from the strain I'm smoking.. Like, I'll smoke (I never really get high when I'm tripping, I just do it to get to bed) and then I'll gain extreme paranoia, or extreme chillaxness, or extreme philosophical. Its all the luck of the draw. As I recall its possible to have that kind of delusion from marijuana itself. I sure have, I know there are others like me with that, especially with no tolerance haha


Active Member
My friend took 2ce and reported feeling exactly what you described. The first time, he felt fine... the second time, he thought he was dying! I think he tried some 2ci, which didn't cause any strange head sensations...


Well-Known Member
People stop trippin out its becoming more public because some more unintelligent people call the cops on themselves. I guess tripping and thinking your going to die the first time you do it would be scary... I just convince myself the few times thats happened that the drugs overpowering me and I'm not going to die, or if I do, fuck it who cares everlasting sleep right? Never gotta wake up again.. Depressing, but thats just the way it is really..


Active Member
trip around good people and make sure you know your shit. i have freaked myself out pretty good, but i always have a buddy or two who will talk me down. of course they would take action if i needed it, but we try to keep things more responsible these days.


Well-Known Member
i didnt freak out really, just had a bad trip and rode it out. even though i was tripping balls i really dont think it was a psychosomatic response. there really was some damn crackling going on in my dome! hah it was a learning experience though. think the dose was possibly just too high for my body chemistry.

My friend took 2ce and reported feeling exactly what you described. The first time, he felt fine... the second time, he thought he was dying! I think he tried some 2ci, which didn't cause any strange head sensations...
ooo. 2c-e is next on the agenda too. What size doses was he on when it happened?


Well-Known Member
I love 2ci my self but i havent seen her in a couple years i wonder if she still the same as she was ....brain crakle i think u were just trippin man and was focusing to much on that could have just been your ears poped or somthing normal and it felt wierd cause u were high u know ...
She's the same. I've been looking at her.