Well-Known Member
Add Rhode Island to that list too. I cant be certain, but I "think" *they* (as in Neptune and Tiki) employ a few different nurseries. They supply the genetics and leave it to the nurseries to distribute?I was thinking all of these sister sites aka neptune have the same nurseries? All of my orders have been from the cuts club but they've been shipped from MI and MA. One time I got a duplicate order, Ice pie, came in the mail from MI then the next day I received another one from MA. I did say it from the start however, that their "testing" is just a sales pitch, they aren't testing for viroids, I mean they could be but I just assumed they're making it up and printing up the lab themselves but who knows.. That sucks that your clone was legit dudded, now I gotta question all my gear from them..
The Cuts Club, Healthy Made Clones, King Kong Clones, and Godzilla Clones.
There could be others, but those are the four I'm aware of.
I've added Zerotol 2.0 to my arsenal to help prevent cross contamination. So far so good. Just keep an eye on your clones and be diligent with your IPM and sanitation. And be very mindful of all vectors. With these viroid's its imperative to only keep and grow healthy plants.
Many will talk a big game but very few have clean verified genetics. Its a shame really and now I feel like I'm throwing a negative vibe on this thread. Not my intent. Just want all my growmies have healthy headache-free harvest