Straight, Bi, or Gay?

If a straight person has same sex sex sometimes,are they still straight?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • No

    Votes: 99 83.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 8 6.7%

  • Total voters
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Active Member
I hate people who say that just because it doesn't directly affect me i shouldn't give a shit. Well if some dude in new york city kills somebody, should i just be like "oh well to each man his own'? fuck no. murder/rape/extortion/abuse/etc will not occur to all of us but that doesn't mean we should just turn a blind shoulder to it.

And as for me listening to right-wing propaganda....sorry to break it to ya but i don't watch the news, i don't watch tv (unless its UFC or football), and i don't follow the crowd. Have fun thinking JUST like everybody else. Must be fun running around in a box. :-P


Well-Known Member
The right wing isn't the enemy... it's the religious zealots that pollute the GOP that're the ones we should be butting heads with.


Well-Known Member
Nice comparison. Except, people being gay are not only not hurting you - they are not hurting ANYONE. A bit different with a murderer. I doubt you're really dumb enough to think your comparison makes much sense.

Wow, you don't watch TV... but just got done spouting off a bunch of bullshit about the shows on MTV, and how anyone who doesn't agree with you was brainwashed by them and other media.

As far as following the crowd goes... I came to the conclusion that people ought to be free to do what they want when they aren't hurting anyone - before MTV existed. I grew up in a backwards, conservative area full of people like you... and you say I'm just following the crowd? Take a look at yourself... there are tons of people like you around. You're not the free-thinking pioneer that you imagine yourself to be.

Anyway, all you seem to have are ridiculous comparisons like that, and silly, pointless insults... I know it's ridiculous to argue with people like you - I should've known better than to even chime in here. I'm done. You can continue on your own.

I hate people who say that just because it doesn't directly affect me i shouldn't give a shit. Well if some dude in new york city kills somebody, should i just be like "oh well to each man his own'? fuck no. murder/rape/extortion/abuse/etc will not occur to all of us but that doesn't mean we should just turn a blind shoulder to it.

And as for me listening to right-wing propaganda....sorry to break it to ya but i don't watch the news, i don't watch tv (unless its UFC or football), and i don't follow the crowd. Have fun thinking JUST like everybody else. Must be fun running around in a box. :-P


Well-Known Member
how many homosexuals would choose to be straight if they could? the sad thing is alot. so many feel out of place, unloved, confused, depressed, they would trade anything for family acceptance, and peer acceptance, to lead a normal life...unfortunatly its not a choice and surprise surprise its nothing new.

peace and love to all. no exceptions

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's your opinion.However, your religion should not dictate laws.:peace:
i read the first page..skipped to the last so idk what i missed. I am homophobic, so my answer is obvious. If a dude..does anything with another DUDE..= homosaurus rex. It's disgusting and to be honest i don't believe we were created to mingle so.. furthermore how can a guy be attracted to another guys hairy bum??? Get aids or some flesh eating disease ASAP, no one will care because only 3% of the population IS ACTUALLY GAY. ADAM & EVE, NOT ADAM & STEVE.
Hey, thanks for stopping by and getting mouthy.I'm a 31 year old woman, thanks.I'm just asking for opinions, I didn't ask for all the people who can't discuss anything without flinging insults like a 10 year old to come by and start shit talking.I do think for myself.I think, as long as it's between consdenting adults and nobody gets hurt, its THEIR business.As for getting raped in prison,rape is rape,and I bet if 20 large inmates held you down and butt fucked you, you'd think twice about calling rape victims pussies.
This topic's question is so retarded. The thread starter must be like 10 or something....obviously if you take a dick up ur ass once in a while, then you GAY. Now that doesn't include if you got raped in prison or something, then ur just a lil pussy.

Oh and i hate all these people who support gay people or try and be all politically correct. Argh! Politically correct people piss me the fuck off! Think for yourselves people.

Fuck that! I'm not afraid to say that i 100% do NOT support gay marriage.
Thank you.
So, are you saying that people can not be bisexual... just gay or straight?

Nice comments... so, if we don't think just like you, that means we can't think for ourselves?? I have to say, to me, you come off as the on with the mentality of a 10 yr. old. :-?
Why do you anti gay people always try the sheep or children argument?EVERY ONE of you does it.Why not think for yourself and come up with a more reasonable arguement?
Don't even get me started on bisexuals. Bisexuality is (not all cases, but for the most part) a trend.

And no, by all means i support people thinking for themselves. Unfortunately, people don't do that. The government and the media (such crap as MTV with all its gay show) now say that being gay is okay and suddenly everybody is a gay supporter. I was watching MTV a couple months ago and they had some show with a transgender person on it and trying to be all supportive of transgender people now too. What's next? They prolly gonna put some dude who fucks sheep on there next...and watch everybody will suddenly become pro-bestiality.

Anyways....long speech that pretty much just says "THINK FOR YOURSELVES PEOPLE"


Well-Known Member
the kids handle is named after a shitty metal band. he's 14 and has alot of growing up to do stoney.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
He's entitled to his opinion,I guess,but it does seem we've been getting a lot of hateful people on here lately.Makes me tired and kinda sad.:-|:peace:
the kids handle is named after a shitty metal band. he's 14 and has alot of growing up to do stoney.


Well-Known Member
this could cheer ya up

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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Can't see it?
this could cheer ya up

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Active Member
Well there are two things i'd like to say, someone already pegged it right on, no matter what, if a person commits a sexual act with the same sex, multiple times out of preference or simple enjoyment in a sexual nature, then they are gay, you see, the thing is people were created/evolved (to avoid a whole other convo) to fit in a certain manner to forwardly project society and human race, this is what we call the "norm" im kinda on the border as far as whether Bi even exist, one hand yes the terminology is right, yet not so much in a literal sense, like Bi "CURIOUS" is there, but i'd say its just Curiosity and that be the name tagged to is, but Bi alone nah not really, and its funny stoney, cuz the second part is, you feel what alot of guys feel, its a sad feeling really, and one that (particularly this specific sit.) women are not use to in my opinion, but now society is gettin use to the fact that gay ppl really ARENT goin anywhere. i mean i believe every/anyone has the right to be happy and have nothing against gay ppl at all, got quite some family thats gay, i love em to death, BUT i will not be shy to say, i dont agree with it, it goes against the natural order of nature, i mean its a simple feat of procreation that holds the creditability of my point. find a flawless way to procreate with no drawbacks or downfall, and i'll be 100% supportive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by avengedsevenfold
This topic's question is so retarded. The thread starter must be like 10 or something....obviously if you take a dick up ur ass once in a while, then you GAY. Now that doesn't include if you got raped in prison or something, then ur just a lil pussy.
hmm lets see you go to prison, then see how you fair against some mean brutal mother fuckers, i mean since YOU'RE not a pussy right?

has nothin to do with bein a pussy dude, you DO need to grow up, you know very little about what life is really like apparently, see I'D rather die then go to prison for that same fact, and if i did go, i'd stab the meanest mother fucker just SO he'd kill me, i'd rather that then get fucked in the ass, then again who's to say if i stab him he wont just do both, you dont have many choices in prison kid, all the more reason for me to stay out

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying, and thank you for saying it in an adult manner.I personally do not believe it is "unnatural",I think it's just another of nature's attempts at population control.I had two cats who were gay and l9oved each other very much.It shows that it does occur in nature, IMO.:peace:
Well there are two things i'd like to say, someone already pegged it right on, no matter what, if a person commits a sexual act with the same sex, multiple times out of preference or simple enjoyment in a sexual nature, then they are gay, you see, the thing is people were created/evolved (to avoid a whole other convo) to fit in a certain manner to forwardly project society and human race, this is what we call the "norm" im kinda on the border as far as whether Bi even exist, one hand yes the terminology is right, yet not so much in a literal sense, like Bi "CURIOUS" is there, but i'd say its just Curiosity and that be the name tagged to is, but Bi alone nah not really, and its funny stoney, cuz the second part is, you feel what alot of guys feel, its a sad feeling really, and one that (particularly this specific sit.) women are not use to in my opinion, but now society is gettin use to the fact that gay ppl really ARENT goin anywhere. i mean i believe every/anyone has the right to be happy and have nothing against gay ppl at all, got quite some family thats gay, i love em to death, BUT i will not be shy to say, i dont agree with it, it goes against the natural order of nature, i mean its a simple feat of procreation that holds the creditability of my point. find a flawless way to procreate with no drawbacks or downfall, and i'll be 100% supportive.


Active Member
i actually have to disagree if science has shown anything it is that nature is a delicate balance, animals like cats and dogs are a good example of this we see them everyday, over population IS a problem, but the real danger is in inbreeding, not the sense we're use to, just eventually over thousands of years (like say ooohhh idk 2000 maybe? lol) we ARE getting to a point not too far in the future where there is very few ppl within our own country that dont share a a chromosome or two. you'd really be surprised, thats why there is such a population control over domestic animals because they're at a point where its inbreeding and is very health hazardous to them, as it will with humans, as for your cats, how can anyone say they were gay, but on the other hand who's to say they weren't, i cant say much cuz idk how they acted with each other.

hope my ramble makes sense.

on another note, im not trying to be controversial, but lets talk rights. now as i doo agree they desrve equality rights, the BIGGEST talk is gay marriage, this is a touchy subject and i say this with all respect and no offense, but the argument is its not equal that they cant get married, and that its an infringment on their rights, yet it REALLY isn't a constitutional right, at all. and in fact marriage IS a religious act of commitment under god, but there ARE domestic partnerships in effect, and it gives them pretty much the same abilities as a married couple i just dont know what the argument REALLY is....and im all for a good rebutle but somethings i hear are just quite ignorant, especially that perez hilton guy on ms. california, that was quite a bit outa line. she was being honest with herself and everyone else, instead of following and lying to herself and masses. she said it very respectfully and without downing the gay community, and he calls her a appauled at the fact, its almost like attacking someone because they dont agree with a democrat, ideals and personal beliefs is what makes america, well america, and perez seems to have and childish mindset about things.
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