Storys how I got Busted Part 2


Well it appears every January I do something that gets me in alot of trouble, now. I had a persuasive speech about Prop 19 in speech class..I guess that combined with the limited things to do in this weather in this small town got me thinking about weed a little more than uasual...However I was still conscious about the all what happened last year and how it had healed (although me an my dad are always at odds about something)....the most recent thing was him takeing me out for some much needed driveing lessons, which he is always to busy for seemingly.....So I went and bought some of this stuff called Wild Dagga online. Its a herb that grows in South Africa and is like a diet marijuana...I felt safe cuzz I knew I couldnt get arrested or fined for it, and I feel like I have a right to put in my body whatever I damn well please..Because of its legality I tould some friends about it... and sold some atlunch time for cheap ( I bought an Oz for like $35)..and around this time a knew helper for Mr. Seuser started working in the building named Ms MJ. (No joke)...well when I was takeing my exams in his room (Extended time) Abel Ramirez walks in the room and I say "Hows that Wild Dagga?" MJ hears this..but I didnt think anybody would know what it was so I felt safe enough..well However Ms. MJ did over here this..and since her and her little boy go to our church she mustve Emailed Elisa.... She went into my room while I was at school found my pipe, lighter, and a bunchve blue pills which I had the emberrasment of explaining that I just randomly found them and took one after looking up the label...uh.... well I didnt know about ANY of this untell like 8 O clock at night when they called me upstairs....I stood my ground but they made it clear that this was a "drug free house"...and I cant argue with that..and they both said that the third time would jeopardize rather or not I stay here.... I didnt get grounded or anything (weird) and elisa was EXTRA nice to me when I woke up... before she left me home by myself for the day even...But im pretty sure thev realized that it was me obsessing about something, like when I do something I uasully go full..can be good or bad...(th/r words) plan is to stay clean untell I move out which is hopefully next year. Sorry about the typos.


Well-Known Member
no I have tons of typos just wondering if you were old enough to move out yet and get your own place................rough liveing at home by someone esles rules.


Well-Known Member
soudns shit mate, my parents wen through my shit last year and found legal weed, which is literally, liek that dagga shit, i had it in there from ages before i even tried bud, so no hating lol the rest was just smoking stuff. they took 1 mini bong, 1 glass bong, hookah, 5 pipes, all my skins, lighters, grinders etc. I smoke in my house all the time, i just close my door, and just smoke out my window, only pack bowls big enough for one hit so yo udont get smoke everwhere.


Active Member
i'vebeen busted by the cops 3 times

1) i was 16, i think 10th grade in high school 2007. yeah. that sonds right. i skipped class with 2 of my friends, behind one of the school buildings a little ways were these huge air conditioning units we would hide behind pretty much all the time. this itme, i brought my pipe and a bunch of seeds and stems (high school lol) and got high with my cart patrol guys of the school sawe us, and me and one other guy hid behind the smaller one, and the other guy live dove behind the big one. me and the one guy got caught. we were "put of bounds" so they wee allowed to search us and my dumb ass grabbed the pipe off the A/C unit and put it in my pocket. theyfound it and charged me with possession of paraphernalia, and sent me to an alternative learning environment =P

2)2 years later, senior in high school. deifferentent stTE. first time buying in this state (NJ). told the guy i wanted a dub, he the middle of 1st period. literally. he just ahnded it to me. i was like fuck dude not cool. then as i expected, mid-2nd period i saw the assistant principal come in and talk to the teacher and they looked atr me, so i thrww the dub outta my pocket on the ground behind me, and sure enough 2 seconds later he went over and said grab your packpack and follow me, and i did they searched me and didnt find shit i was like WOO. VBUT. at some point i text messaged the kid next to me, where i threw the dub, to pick the shit up and give it to me later, well the dumbass freshman showed the weed off to like everyone he could, someone snitched, they brought him in, then HE snitched, and i got chagred with possession...5 days after my 18th bday. i was pissed.

3) i had some dumbass friends, they stole a bunch of shit from people cars overnight and asked if i could hold onto it since they didnt want their parentds to fin it. i said sure keep it in the trunk of my car, whatever i didt steal the shit. it was a bunch of gps's, ipod and cameras and shit. sure enough, the very next day i get in a car wreck, and my car battery is leaking, so the cop is like hey ima put this battery iny our trunk and i totally forgot about the stolen shit so i was like yeah go for it...then he said "OH SHIT!!!" and i got arrsted. they searched my room and found my pipe, charged me with 10 counts of theft of propety, 4 counts of breaking and entering and 1 count of paraphernalia. still on probation for that strunt....


New Member
You young folks really need to learn how to fucking write. Shit is getting pretty painful to read here lately. Maybe my tolerance of ignorance is getting low?
wow a 19 year old senior...i was at war when i was your age lol
Engaging in an unconstitutional conflict for the banks and corporations, so the US can retain its PetroDollar status, I suppose.
Well, I hope you've learned your lesson. The next great war will be a civil one, hope you're on the right side.
Wouldn't want to COD no scope 360 reverse Halo jump ya :D


Well-Known Member
i'vebeen busted by the cops 3 times

1) i was 16, i think 10th grade in high school 2007. yeah. that sonds right. i skipped class with 2 of my friends, behind one of the school buildings a little ways were these huge air conditioning units we would hide behind pretty much all the time. this itme, i brought my pipe and a bunch of seeds and stems (high school lol) and got high with my cart patrol guys of the school sawe us, and me and one other guy hid behind the smaller one, and the other guy live dove behind the big one. me and the one guy got caught. we were "put of bounds" so they wee allowed to search us and my dumb ass grabbed the pipe off the A/C unit and put it in my pocket. theyfound it and charged me with possession of paraphernalia, and sent me to an alternative learning environment =P

2)2 years later, senior in high school. deifferentent stTE. first time buying in this state (NJ). told the guy i wanted a dub, he the middle of 1st period. literally. he just ahnded it to me. i was like fuck dude not cool. then as i expected, mid-2nd period i saw the assistant principal come in and talk to the teacher and they looked atr me, so i thrww the dub outta my pocket on the ground behind me, and sure enough 2 seconds later he went over and said grab your packpack and follow me, and i did they searched me and didnt find shit i was like WOO. VBUT. at some point i text messaged the kid next to me, where i threw the dub, to pick the shit up and give it to me later, well the dumbass freshman showed the weed off to like everyone he could, someone snitched, they brought him in, then HE snitched, and i got chagred with possession...5 days after my 18th bday. i was pissed.

3) i had some dumbass friends, they stole a bunch of shit from people cars overnight and asked if i could hold onto it since they didnt want their parentds to fin it. i said sure keep it in the trunk of my car, whatever i didt steal the shit. it was a bunch of gps's, ipod and cameras and shit. sure enough, the very next day i get in a car wreck, and my car battery is leaking, so the cop is like hey ima put this battery iny our trunk and i totally forgot about the stolen shit so i was like yeah go for it...then he said "OH SHIT!!!" and i got arrsted. they searched my room and found my pipe, charged me with 10 counts of theft of propety, 4 counts of breaking and entering and 1 count of paraphernalia. still on probation for that strunt....
After reading these stories, and reading your experience with the tornado in Joplin, I have to say, you are one unlucky motherfucker.
i'vebeen busted by the cops 3 times

1) i was 16, i think 10th grade in high school 2007. yeah. that sonds right. i skipped class with 2 of my friends, behind one of the school buildings a little ways were these huge air conditioning units we would hide behind pretty much all the time. this itme, i brought my pipe and a bunch of seeds and stems (high school lol) and got high with my cart patrol guys of the school sawe us, and me and one other guy hid behind the smaller one, and the other guy live dove behind the big one. me and the one guy got caught. we were "put of bounds" so they wee allowed to search us and my dumb ass grabbed the pipe off the A/C unit and put it in my pocket. theyfound it and charged me with possession of paraphernalia, and sent me to an alternative learning environment =P

2)2 years later, senior in high school. deifferentent stTE. first time buying in this state (NJ). told the guy i wanted a dub, he the middle of 1st period. literally. he just ahnded it to me. i was like fuck dude not cool. then as i expected, mid-2nd period i saw the assistant principal come in and talk to the teacher and they looked atr me, so i thrww the dub outta my pocket on the ground behind me, and sure enough 2 seconds later he went over and said grab your packpack and follow me, and i did they searched me and didnt find shit i was like WOO. VBUT. at some point i text messaged the kid next to me, where i threw the dub, to pick the shit up and give it to me later, well the dumbass freshman showed the weed off to like everyone he could, someone snitched, they brought him in, then HE snitched, and i got chagred with possession...5 days after my 18th bday. i was pissed.

3) i had some dumbass friends, they stole a bunch of shit from people cars overnight and asked if i could hold onto it since they didnt want their parentds to fin it. i said sure keep it in the trunk of my car, whatever i didt steal the shit. it was a bunch of gps's, ipod and cameras and shit. sure enough, the very next day i get in a car wreck, and my car battery is leaking, so the cop is like hey ima put this battery iny our trunk and i totally forgot about the stolen shit so i was like yeah go for it...then he said "OH SHIT!!!" and i got arrsted. they searched my room and found my pipe, charged me with 10 counts of theft of propety, 4 counts of breaking and entering and 1 count of paraphernalia. still on probation for that strunt....
Dude that blows, i wish snitches still got stitches but your a good man for not rattin out your homies who stole all that shit


Well-Known Member
Dude that blows, i wish snitches still got stitches but your a good man for not rattin out your homies who stole all that shit
Bullshit, a good man does not make his neighbourhood a safe place for petty thiefs and criminals.
But someone who rats their own friends out for petty crimes should get hit. Im not talking about someone snitching to help someone get all their stuff back after their house got ransacked, or helping the cops catch a murderer. This guy could have snitched on all his "friends" and he probably wouldve been rewarded somehow, but he is a real man and he took his punishment without bringing down anybody else.