Storm cracked stem on 10’ plant too soon

Let’s say Trichomes are mostly clear. Leaves have begun to yellow and pistils are only 1/4 to 1/3 brown,Storm comes thru and 3/4 of plant snaps to ground (but still partially attached) do you steak it, wrap the split, (As outer layers of stem are still connected) and hope for some continued nutrient flow and maturity for another 3 weeks or so or harvest the 10’ tight bud rich portion “early” that is now on the ground? Yeah, steak early and prune for less risk too - next time. TIA


Well-Known Member
Let’s say Trichomes are mostly clear. Leaves have begun to yellow and pistils are only 1/4 to 1/3 brown,Storm comes thru and 3/4 of plant snaps to ground (but still partially attached) do you steak it, wrap the split, (As outer layers of stem are still connected) and hope for some continued nutrient flow and maturity for another 3 weeks or so or harvest the 10’ tight bud rich portion “early” that is now on the ground? Yeah, steak early and prune for less risk too - next time. TIA
Do you have any pics?


Active Member
if you're lucky you can splice it back together and see if it lives
you'll know pretty quick if it's dying as it'll wilt quickly. i spliced one back together this year and it's doing fine
,just depends on how much it separated from the main stalk.