storing trimmings for a month or two how to do it?


Well-Known Member
title kinda says it all i needa save up like 8-10 oz of trim but that will take me 2-3months whats the best way to keep trim for that period of time.thanks for all answers


Well-Known Member
Just dry them out real well to prevent any mold growing.
Throw them in a paper bag, or perhaps in mason jars, and treat as you would a nug.
I bet they will store just great In a similar setup!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
And just FYI:

You can make a screen for yourself, and it will cost you next to nothing!
Go to an art store, and buy a silk screen (used for screen printing), mounted on a frame.
This gives you a screen on a box, to extract those trichs with.

These are easier to store I bet, for one seeing as it would take up very nominal room!

These can be as cheap as $10!