Stop Talking to Yourself!!


Active Member
Do you ever think that prayer is just the socially acceptable way of talking to yourself and you end up talking through your problems and finding out the answer on your own, but if we were to just tell people thats what we were doing we would be considered mentally insane.

I always find myself talking to myself..and it helps a lot. when all my thoughts are in my head they get tangled up and saying them out loud is like recognizing them individually and putting them in some sort of order.

I am an atheist and i see no reason to pray to any higher power since there is obviously no proof that praying does anything and everything happens by chance. But i do see the advantages of talking to myself, and maybe if a Christian can see prayer from this view point it will help them get more accomplished.

Do you every find yourself rambling when you pray..or you have to focus to find the words you want to say. Either way its a way of organizing your thoughts and getting all of your problems out in the open..perhaps for evaluate.

But if i was to walk down the street talking out loud to no one in particular and tell people i was talking to myself, they would have me locked up in a mental hospital..but if i was on a bus muttering to myself with my head down everyone would think i was praying and they would respect me.

Q. "When did you realize that you were God?"
A. "While praying. I realized I was talking to myself." --The 14th Earl of Gurney (Peter O'Toole), who has the delusion that he is Jesus, in The Ruling Class

420 swede

Active Member
hehe, i often talk to myself, most of it is just some stoner alter ego spewing out jibberish, having actual conversations with myself while high or within hour/days after but some of it i could relate to your post, not organizing thoughts in any way but more like venting out frustration and insanities that are too heavy to share with anyone on this earth. I guess i could reduce this schizo behavior by writing a diary but im too lazy ^^