Stoops' Outdoor Sharksbreath - Hailstorm!!!


Well-Known Member
WTF!? We just had a freakin hailstorm for about 20 minutes, I am freaking out, it wasn't too bad as the local vegetation seems to be in tact but I will be checking this evening for any damage, I will be sooooo pissed if there is noticeable damage, my girl is pretty tough and I think she'll be all right but I am worried a bit, these are the before hailstorm pics from 2 hrs ago, I'll post the after storm pics tonight or tomorrow, stay tuned, unusual for October, she only 3 weeks into flowering, any hail experience out there?......



Well-Known Member
Just went to check on her, not a scratch! It was medium sized hail, these babies are tough, just gave her some more nutes the cane sugar dilluted in nice warm aquarium water, super sunny tomorrow! ;)..,