Stoner dictonary


Well-Known Member
what a words and meaning that cannabis connoisseurs use or normal words that we took n gave a whole new meaning to(i.e. Bowl which is the only one i can think of really)


Well-Known Member
blazed, beans, glasspiece lol, glass for that matter, shit hash in some area's is breakfast food lol.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Number = joint = left-handed cigarette = doobie = stick = pre-rolled unit or PRU (for those who like to take it with you)

Lid...for those old enough to remember or still have the capability LOL


Well-Known Member
ha ha hotrod you sound like my dad...............where'd you get that marihoochie from boy? swear to god first time i got caught with it the old mans quote lmao.


Well-Known Member
I usually just use gibberish that no one else would understand if I'm talking about something illegal.
For example, I'll ask someone if I can buy two kneecaps and an elbow (two ounces and an eighth).


Well-Known Member
A zip =an ounce
A Spliff-realy small joint close brother to a pinner
A Cough drop,its a really weird one for delivery but works
Purple monkey balls
Girlscout cookies


Active Member
climbing trees is a new euphemism I've started using for gettin' high, thou I'm guessing I'm not the first to use it.


Well-Known Member
Back in the eighties:

pokey deal - a straight length of stiff wire, curled into a loop at one end. Use to clear our bowls and stems on bongs.

That was back in the days when it seemed everybody used metal pipes, bowls, stems, etc.

be ez

Well-Known Member
Ozone - Ounce
Bun - (Burn shortened cause we're too busy to say it all) to smoke weed
Dtb - (Acronym for down to bun) to smoke aswell
Hazeldean - (Stupid fuckin name we came up with for weed) its a street in the city
Chop - Selling weed (dont know how universal this is)


Active Member
Number = joint = left-handed cigarette = doobie = stick = pre-rolled unit or PRU (for those who like to take it with you)

Lid...for those old enough to remember or still have the capability LOL
thanks for that bro! lid!!!! haven't heard nthat in years- used to be getting a lid,or half a lid etc. exactly how much did a lid weigh? thanks for the memory lol mama


Active Member
I thought a lid was 3x 1/4 ounces. (3 fingers/21g)

Back in the day and this was illegal a buddy of mine called getting a bag- getting Al Greene tickets.

4/20 = I can't believe it's not on here already! Time to smoke, started by kids getting home around 4 from school and being good'n'stoney by that magic time! There may be other rumors as to how this trend got its start. Also Hitlers birthday!

Globe = dabbing utensil.

honey oil/earwax = bomb concentrates.

B-grades = kind bud = beesters = mids = somewhat less quality; but not shwag but also not chronic.

Ghost hit/ zeroing-out = taking a hit and holding it in until no smoke leaves when you exhale.

cornering = etiquette; (some of you should look into it. lol) When there is a group of stoners smoking a bowl and one starts burning a small area on the edge of the bowl so the others can get a fresh hit (green) at least once before the pipe goes around.

This was fun. Thanks!