Stolen Plant


Well-Known Member
Not to bright is he... next time he might as well just go post some missing posters on some telephone poles.


Well-Known Member
Saw this as I was perusing you tube videos on making feminized seeds. Pretty Funny!
LOOOOOOOL "In the end, Watson blew the whistle on himself", "on his mother's property, next to the fire department"... comedy gold!

Disclaimer: I'm 100% against ripping of plants. Years ago, some of the people I grew outdoors with, that kind of thing could be catastrophic to one's physical being.



Well-Known Member
So everyone in Canada can grow 4 plants without really risking prosecution?.
It depends where you live really... some areas they don't really care that much or pay too much attention to it, but other areas, they crack down hard.

Same goes for possession... some cops will just take the bag and let you walk, other areas you're treated like a felon for having a couple of gs in a baggie.



Well-Known Member
I got pulled over one day a couple years ago driving into Toronto on the 401 highway and had about 3.5 oz in a bag on my front passenger seat which I *thought* was covered up with a sweater... not so much.

He took the bag, gave me a warning for having a tail light out, and said have a good day.

I was quite thankful I must have caught the cop at the end of a good shift or something.



Well-Known Member
Too funny! What's Dumb Ass though, and growing right next to his fence- very easy to hop and be gone, not to mention the high visibility of them. Really can't understand what some people are thinking nowadays. Calling the cops when you still have visable plants growing on your property. Wonder if he learns a lesson, I kinda doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Did he expect the cops would hunt down the culprit and return his plant? takes all kinds.


Well-Known Member
I like how he's describing it, "really beautiful, about xx Feet tall, I can smell her as soon as I walk outside"