"Stimulatory effects" of marijuana


Well-Known Member
Are there any?
on drugs.gov it says that although users can develop a tolerance to THC, they can't develop a tolerance to the stimulatory effects of marijuana.

Weird... cause I hooked myself up to a heart rate monitor and took a huge fatty out of the bong, then watched as my heart rate fluctuated from 82-94 to 68-73... it reduced... and stopped the fluctutions... odd... isn't it suppose to increase?


Well-Known Member
when i closed my eyes and concentrated on figuring out wtf the high sensation was from the weed, my heat rate stayed a flat 70 for more than 5 minutes... didn't change at all, normally it changes per breath. whats with that?


Well-Known Member
Some weeds stim and some dont and it also depends on when it was harvested as to the exact effect that it gives you:leaf: