Stems not Sturdy


Active Member
Problem is this I started seeds in to big of a pot, I understand that for a fact. Thing is this plants are growing but the stem of the plants aren't sturdy enough to hold the plant. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
It is impossible to start them in too big of a pot. It may not be filled up enough with soil so they don't have to reach, but there's no way the pot could be too big.

Indoors or outdoors? If they're outdoors and getting good wind, then I'd first be concerned with light, how much, how much direct sunlight? If they're indoors, then you need air movement to help them strengthen their weak little stems. Or, get a dog with a waggy tail.. wait, no, it could all go terribly wrong like last year's bananas did with the one dog whose tail WHAPPED down every plant she hadn't first eaten. :rolleyes: Fucking dog.


Active Member
This is the first time for me growing. I am using a small area above a dresser that's inbedded in the wall of the trailer I live in. This is just an experiement to see if I can get at least a couple of plants to grow. I will try the fan. I need to buy some other supplies to gauge the humidity and all, from all of the information that I have been reading on this site. The information has been great, but trying to figure out how to convert it to be used in a trailer with very limited space to grow. Thought about using a fish aquarium, what are you thoughts? Have a friend whose wanting to get rid of a 55 gallon aquarium. Seems to be easier to convert it into a greenhouse kinda effect? Do know for sure that Miracle grow soil SUCKS way to much moisture in it. I haven't had to water in almost a week now. But will let you know how the fan suggestion goes.


Arkie from Indy!:joint:


Active Member
growing in an aquarium posses so many problems. your plants will probably outgrow the aquarium, and you will have to move them out of the aquarium, so theres no point to using it to begin with. the aquarium will tend to make the plants environment more humid than is required, then u will face problems with mold and rot.

as for you MG soil, add at least a third perlite or vermiculite, this will help with drainage and soil airation.

a handy trick i use for some of the weaker or more spindly hybrids, like WW, is to grab a bunch of straws from your local Mcdonalds. cut the straw to length, then cut the straw length wise so u can "wrap" it around the stem for support. then punch some holes is the sides of your pot at the top and tie the straw supported plant upright, works great for me.. i would also grab a small fan and have it blow gently on your plants. the "wind" causes the plant to sway, creating tiny micro tares in the plants stem fibres. the plants reaction is to focus more growth to the stem to stregthen and support the plant as a whole.

good luck!!

good luck..


Well-Known Member
Miracle-Gro is fine, just watch the water. And the gentleman (presuming you're male) above is correct about the aquarium, more trouble than it's worth by far. They don't like being in high humidity conditions.


Well-Known Member
do yourself a favor. Get an 18" moving fan. I have one for my plants and the main stem is godlike