Stems keep getting weaker and more flimsy


So I started growing some plants and they were doing fine. They keep falling over and the stems keep getting weaker and they look really skinny where they attach to the root. They have been getting enough light and they are not over watered. I don't know what's wrong with them. Only thing I can think of is I left them outside over night. The temp only dropped to 9-10 degrees Celsius though. Can I save them? any feed back would be appreciated . :weed: Plants look healthy otherwise a little sagging but no brown spots or dead leaves!



Active Member
are you indoor or outdoor. If indoor your light might be too far away. I would repot it deep enough to cover the stem


"only dropped to 9-10 degrees Celsius" there's your problem right there bro. Got to keep her much warmer than that..

Honestly you are so early into the process you might as well start over. I don't think they can be saved at this point. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Looks like damping off from over watering. Just google image damping off and youll see your plants. They arent going to recover. Next time water with a 60 ml syringe....sparingly. The plant is the size of a quarter. What do you think a cup full of water is going to do to the sprout? Drown it. How much water can a quarter drink? Probably almost as much as a quarter sized plant. Anyway, if you dont have anymore good seeds, buy a pack of snap pea seeds and grow those to practice.