Stem Question


Active Member
The main stem on one of my bigger plants is starting to turn a shade of purple. Its more like a DARK reddish-purple, but is this any sign of what might come in the future?


Well-Known Member
What do you think we are? from the info you've given you're gonna get guesses thats all, we need pics, we need info such as, age of plant, lights your using, nutes you're using, come on, give us a clue...


Well-Known Member
it`s nothing to worry about. it is usualy from low temps at night or a def in nute but dont worry about it. minor stress. i do it to mine on purpose to get some colour from my smoke


Active Member
Well this IS general marijuana growing so you guys should expect some general questions revolving this topic. But if you must know, I can lend some info.

My plants are roughly 5 weeks old. Grown 2 inches from a 1.4 foot (long) fluoro light. Temps aren't hot, and light cycle is still 24 hours. I just noticed on my largest plant, some streaks of reddish purple growing on the stem. I have seen some other pictures of people's plants here on RIU, so I'm starting to think its completely normal, but I was curious as if it could possibly be a strain of purps or something. The weed I got it from was grown horribly so Im thinking that it was purps gone wrong or something. Any other general replies are appreciated. Im just looking for people's opinions. And also, if its a problem, please describe a solution. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Your cool your plant is fine. Ya may have seen a corn stalk with purple on it before. If ya had a purple strain it would show on the buds and the smaller leaves.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I had 3 Blueberry plants and their stems and petiole turned purple. I didn't worry to much because I'd seen so many posts here saying it was no problem. Overnight they pretty much went into the shitter and were dead within a few days. I was surprised at how fast they died.... the problem didn't even have a chance to present in the leaves.

In my case I didn't have a PPM meter at the time (I grow hydro) and the feeding instructions on my nutes were off so I WAY over nuted them. I also didn't have my RO machine then either so the PPM problem was compounded. Totally my rookie mistake.

I'm not saying that this is your problem or that you even have a problem.... I'm just relaying my experience with purple stem and petiole.


Active Member
Had one a few weeks ago that started showing reddish purple, knew it was nutes because it was and still is kind of an experiment, flushed the soil as soon as I saw it, recovered. (Keeping it small, about a foot tall, two and a half months old more or less, ten nodes.) Had one last spring went purple on the stem, damping off, was an Afghani which was my fault because of the high humidity here.