stem of my girl turning brown right under soil is this okay?

shes 16 days from sprout, today notice right below soil line that her main stem is turning brown is this cause for concern? temps steady at 70, 2 26 watt cfls, 65000 kelvin. fed her 0.25 ml of iguana juice 4-22-13 then fed her with tap water that sat out for 2 days then fed her again with nutes on 4-26-13 at 0.50 ml per cup. 2 days ago i sprayed her leaves with neem solution. also 2 of my lowest leaves are lightening up in color and developing small spots that look like a orange rust color, just wondering how to fix this. cheers everyone bongsmilieIMG_20130429_135221.jpgIMG_20130429_135320.jpg


Active Member
The rust spots might be a calcium or mag. deficientcy. Try getting a cal/mg additive and useing it. CaMg+ from General Organics or something similar. I'm not sure on the brown stem. Could be rotting or some type of fungus. If it's rotting, it may be doomed. If it's a fungus like damping off, I think you can treat it with a fungicide of some kind, but I'm not sure about that, never encountered that problem before.