stealth under-bed grow, LST, horizontal, less than 1ft in height!


Well-Known Member
hi there highandmighty, i grew under a bed for a while with enviros but i did build my bed 3 feet high, like you i went to b and q and built myself a grow box, all good fun. my grow cab is still only around 3 feet and manage no probs. will be watching.


Active Member
Hey I´m extremly interested in this project since im planning something similar. Please do some updates :)

Also if someone have read about any sub 1ft grows could u please throw me a link. I havent been able to find anything


Active Member
goodluck! get that things finished and started! most growers i meet put the cured/baged pounds under the bed not the whole setup!
it's weird to see this becouse ive been considering rasing my bed to grow under but i keep thinking,what if it breaks during fornifacation?
it would suck to hurt your women and plants at the same
gitt'er'done boy
btw dont use tinfoil, it can cause your leaves to turn and twist becouse the light isnt reflected off a flat serface(no matter how careful you are, there will be wrincles with foil)go mylar,polyfilm or flatwhite paint!(not gloss, it obsorbs more light then it reflects)