stealth speaker Grow


Well-Known Member
First time indoor grow here, i am using x4 40watt CFL cool white spectrum.
Organic potting soil with plant food, i have a batch of unknown seeds i am using. I lined the inside of the box with white printer paper and added some noise dampening material to the "speaker" part on the inside. I just planted the seed, i let it germinate or a night, didnt open all they way but i threw it in any way. I have about 25 more seeds, this one is just a trial. feel free to throw in your 2 cents, advice, changes mistakes, critisize me ! :bigjoint: I dont have a fan in there right now (ill be putting a pc fan in a day or two) i assum it wont need much airflow as a seedling. Hit me up...


Well-Known Member
If you had pics of your setup it would be better for us to visualize just what you have going on but with 140 watts Id try growing a plant or maybe two small ones if they fit in your speaker box..


Well-Known Member
ok so heres some pics of the set up, i started germinating all new seeds due to the fact i was using bottled water wich often has 200ppm of dissolved mineral salts wich will dry the seed out and damage seed chemistry. I installed a fan in there (just a circulatory fan) helps keeps the lights cooler to.



Awesome thinking man, now you can take it through customs :D!!

Fuck that :L :L :L Lets hope u pull a few ounces in the time ur using that speaker :) GL!


Well-Known Member
heres what the speaker looks like on the outside, theres no light leaks the only thing is the fan is pretty noisy i try to keep music playing.


Well-Known Member
Definitely a ghetto grow right here! haha. right on man. Come subscribe and submit to our thread. Keep it up bro. And yeah the more light the better generally.

But for a seedling it only needs one since it's so small. The more wont help it at all. And technically, its all about the light penetration on the plant and it's leaves that makes it grow better. Hence more lights helping so it can get light penetrating everywhere on the plant


Try putting cotton wool around where the fan is fixed, it dampens the virbrations ALOT, also sponge is good, so sponge the fan case and tape it, also try to hang the fan instead of nailing it into the side, you can put a piece of sponge where the nail is going if you do nail it, easeh :D :D

Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
yeah i have some speaker wool, its the stuff inside speakers that dampens noise. I have some around the fan. Also guys i have yet another predicament.

ok so i cant have any light leaks, but i need an intake air vent and an exhaust vent for the hot and co2less air correct? But how do i make those with out having light leak? im puzzled on this on, it has to be completely stealth or im in for an ass kicking from my dad lol


Well-Known Member
haha. yeah a major ass kicking would kinda suck. Umm.. How loud are the fans? cause wouldn't that be a problem also? And maybe place a black cloth over the venting holes? or place it right up against the wall. Hmm. Im not totally sure


Well-Known Member
i think i might be ok for the fans, i just got a small pc fan today im going to rig it up tonight. You think there would be enough airflow through a black cloth? I might try somthing like that .


Well-Known Member
I mean, try the black cloth and see if it works. I think it could be fine. Where are the intake and exhaust holes? Itd be pretty cool if you put them in/coming out of your speakers. And just copy the link to the page. And type something, highlight the word(s) and make them a hyperlink