Stealth Speaker Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey so i been working on this for a while now. i designed a grow box out off some old speakers that i have just lying in my basement.

the grow box is the speaker over top of the beer fridge.

the speaker cover is lined with a garbage bag to make it completely light proof. the plants are sitting in rock wool cubes in a planter. the box it complete with a feeding and drainage system, intake and exhaust fans, 2 (soon to be more) modified CFL lights that can easily be adjusted using Velcro.

i know what your thinking, and yes i know its too small. i plan to put some chicken wire at mid height and use the SCROG method of growing for maximum yield.

that is the feeding and drainage system inside the grow box. in the other tall speaker i have put a water reservoir where all the water in pumped into the grow box and drained back into.

the water reservoir is constantly irrigated.

if anyone is interested, more pictures are available.


Well-Known Member
these are my 3 day old sprouts. 2 have sprouted and im not too sure about a third, it may be time to give up hope for that

i also decided to add 2 more 23 W bulbs. they are temporally sitting in rock wool cubes until i find time to run to home depot and get some more Velcro

this is what it looks like now

i hope that these sprouts don't have the same problem that my last sprout did. i tested my box out with one sprout and it ended up have stunted growth, the leaves turned yellow then eventually crusty and hard and died. the steam was dark purple. i think it must have been some kind of deficiency. has anyone dealt with this problem or have any tips on how to prevent this from happening again? needless to say i decided to throw out that dead sprout and try again. this is my first attempt at growing indoors, but i am experienced with growing outdoors. what kind of nutes should i buy? i dont have any yet.


Well-Known Member
today i noticed that my larger seedling was starting to show some of the same symptoms of what happened to my test seed. its secondary leaves had started to curl down and felt rougher to the touch. at first i thought it might have been the light getting to the roots and causing the roots to die and the plant to dry up. to fix this i took some electrical tape and put it on the top side of the cubes. i even moved the larger one into a bigger cube because its roots were begging to grow through the bottoms of the cubes. then i placed a CD around it to keep the light off the cubes.

you cant really see the curling up in that picture, my camera is ghetto cuze i lost my good cell phone.

this is my other plant, im gonna wait until it develops a bit more before i move it into its cube

btw thats for the comments Bigol'Bong and ShLuBsTeR
grow on.


Well-Known Member
oh and i forgot to add that i tested my pH today for the first time and it was WAY too high, 7.8! i searched around my house for some pH minus that i thought that we had but all i could find was plus. i also found some flowering nutes, i heard that nutes lower your pH and they do. i only added no more that 7ml to my 5 Gallon reservoir and it brought my pH down to a good 5.5. i think this was my problem the first time around, i was feeding my test seedling water with a high acid content, and caused the leaves to burn, flake up and die. i learned the value of having a good pH and i should probly look into investing into so pH down or atleast some nutes more sensitive to there development.
now i just hope i dont get nute burn


Well-Known Member
Seems like a lot of faff to then go and use the little low watt bulbs? My amateur guess would be that the pH was wrong before and thats what killed them. I find it hard to believe that all these plants die of nutrient defficiencies when people are using loads of nutes right from seedling, they cant need THAT much. People always seem to jump to that conclusion first - oh no they need nutes lets pour some on and Im sure half the time that makes them worse. Mine are thriving on just soil, no nutes at all yet. Not that youre doing that, Im just ranting, sorry! I wish you the best of luck!


Well-Known Member
When i came home this morning from being baked all night, i checked on my plants and WOW did i see a difference! both plant's leaves had grown alot more than i thought they would and they looked healthier than ever.
I moved the smaller seedling into a larger cube.
I also worked on some MAJOR changes in my growbox design. pictures will be up later tonight about that, im not quite finished yet.



Active Member
Im not going to lie, that setup is pretty boss. Not only is it inconspicuous, but its just cool. Your only problems are going to be space, but you know that, and possibly the stench. Why go through so much to seclude your grow, when anyone that knows what pot smells like can easily distinguish what you are doing?


Well-Known Member
Im not going to lie, that setup is pretty boss. Not only is it inconspicuous, but its just cool. Your only problems are going to be space, but you know that, and possibly the stench. Why go through so much to seclude your grow, when anyone that knows what pot smells like can easily distinguish what you are doing?

i figure that i have time to fix the smell problem, i believe i have a carbon air filter somewhere in my home
i even thought about building my own air filter... but i figure im going to have to change it as often as ill have to change filters in the electric one.

hopefully it gets the job done

but for now.... bongsmilie
thnx for the comment :)


Well-Known Member
i figure ill just leave them on :Pi figure if i can find a way to cover the roots up from light getting to them, then i wont have to move it into a bigger medium.
is this stupid?
by the time they will be that big i will have setup my new feeding line,,,, my last design required too much power to properly run because my pump is small, i thought of a new design that i think will work, and by that time it will be self watering. and no need to expose the roots to light
again... is this a bad idea?
im not sure, i just thought of this now and im higher that planes right now :leaf:
:leaf: = :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for advice I would spend less time on making the grow area so covert(cool, but not practical) and more time focusing on the basics. How about reflection? You would be getting A LOT more light out of those cfl's if the interior of your box was white, as opposed to black, which is the worst reflective color on the entire spectrum. It actually is robbing light as it absorbs it and turns it into heat, which will also cause problems. Oh and don't use aluminum I think I read it reflects less than 60% of light(just the color white reflects 90% or more) and also gets hot. You will absolutely need a larger growing medium for you plants to thrive, a small root ball would never support and feed a big scrog canopy. I also do not think putting electrical tape or cd's over your medium is a good idea. Chemicals and marijuana do not mix too well, and that adhesive probably has tons. Make those changes and as long as you can keep the temp down you should grow something worth smoking anyway.


Well-Known Member
yarr, it is definitely one of the best stealth setups i have seen.

Dankness was right, get the interior lined with some matte white paper.


Well-Known Member
what if i spray paint it white? iv been wanting to get some mylar but i dont knoe where to find it? and how much it cost
any ideas on how i could move there plants into a bigger medium then? im thinking like a long rectangular Tupperware container filled with those pebbles for hydro setups.
and i will have working drainage.
what else could you move rock wool into?
and i will just cut the CD's off


Well-Known Member
i would have thrown some subs and tweeters in there instead. bumpin'.

paint the inside white. that black is just sucking up all of your juice. put em in soil. hell, just put em in a hole in the ground outside. the box is almost the exact opposite of a "ideal" grow box. small and black.


Well-Known Member
what if i spray paint it white? iv been wanting to get some mylar but i dont knoe where to find it? and how much it cost
white spray paint is perfect, just make sure it's matte and not gloss.

and mylar is definitely something worth buying. you can go to a hydro shop or buy it online.

standard mylar doesn't really cost more than 5$ per square meter.